Chapter 10 The North Pole

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Entering the end car, which was a caboose, Tom and Sora had been there earlier, when they both went onto the roof to track down Holly. This beautiful car had couch like seats, that was facing sideways, and not frontwards like the other cars. Sora didn't have time to look at it, because he and Tom were so focused on returning the ticket. "Wow, this car is honestly nice... Mark would be going crazy over this-" Sora said. Tom nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's pretty nice,"

As they walked along, they saw that the boy, was on the little patio outside, and Holly was just inside, at the door. Tom and Sora walked up to her. Tom was about to say something to her, but Holly quickly shushed him. Then, Sora was about to say something, then she shushed him as well.

Turns out she didn't want to disturb the boy because he thought he was alone. He was outside, singing to himself.

"-And trying to believe... That even though it's far... He'll find me Christmas eve..."

Holly walked a little closer, up to the door. Sora just looked over at Tom, who only just shrugged.

"I guess that Santa's busy... cause he never comes around... I think of him when Christmas comes to town..."

Sora was about to whisper something to Tom, but then Holly all of sudden started to sing along as if she knew the words that the boy was singing. That left Tom and Sora, just staring at them very confused. "The best time of the year-" She sang. "When everyone comes home. With all this Christmas cheer, it's hard to be alone,"

Tom just slowly looked over at Sora, and all Sora could do was quitely giggle at Tom's reaction.

"Presents for the children wrapped in red and green"

Then the boy just joined in and didn't care. "All the things I've heard about, but never really seen,"

"No one will be sleeping the night of Christmas Eve,"

Then they both started to sing "Hoping Santa's on his way,"

It went on like that for a few minutes. "That's all I want... when Christmas comes to town-" They both finished.

Tom just stared at them blinking. "Um... What just happened-" Tom asked. Sora busted out laughing. "Geez, let two people share a moment," Holly said rolling her eyes. She turned her head, "Hey! Look!" She pointed to the sky.

"Huh? What?" Tom asked, walking closer. "Ooh! Cool! The Northern Lights!"

The night sky had a pretty natural light show going on. "So pretty!" Sora said once he saw it.

"Hey, you four!" Said a familiar voice. All of them turned around to see the Conductor walking towards them. "We just crossed it, Latitude 66°33 The Artic Circle,"

Then, he pointed to something. It was an Island, sitting in the ocean. "You see those lights in the distance? Looks like a strange ocean liner, sailing on the open sea?"

"That... Is the North Pole!"

All of them got excited. "R-Really?! The... The North Pole!?" Tom gasped.

Even Sora was surprised. How can there be two Santas?

The Polar Express chugged through the ice and snow, and up to the 'Noth Pole' passing over a Viaduct, that twisted, and turned in very weird ways, right into the Island, then right up facing the Island. Sora wouldn't dare say it out loud, but this 'North Pole' put the Santa he knows, North Pole to shame. It was giant. A lot of factories, and old-style buildings. "Come on let's get back to the coach!" Tom said excitedly, basically dragging Sora's arm.

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