“Where is Cammie?” I asked.

“She is at the church, getting ready for the wedding.” Her dad informed me. oh shit! I forgot about the wedding.

“Are we still performing?” I asked looking at Niall.

“I think so! Tyler’s fiancé is a huge fan.” Niall said cutting his pancake and putting it in his mouth.

“Enjoy!” Cammie’s mom said placing a plate in front of me. There were eggs, bacon, and pancakes.

“Thank you love!” I said and started eating.

“So Harry? Do you think you will ever propose to my daughter?” he said still staring at the newspaper. I choked. I started coughing. He looked up at me. Cammie’s mother slapped his arm.

“Don’t ask him that! You are going to scare him away. We actually like Harry.” She said. I was flattered.

“It is alright. Well yes, I do hope to get married to Cammie one day but right now is way too soon. I mean our careers are just taking off and I don’t think settling down is the best option right now.” I explained. I loved Cammie with all my heart but thinking about marriage right now just is too much.

“I see.” He said not making eye contact. I couldn’t tell if he approved or not. 

“Alright boys! Go wake up the rest of the family! We have to head down to the church.” Cammie’s mom said. We all headed up stairs. I went into Louis’s room.

“WAKE UP BOO BEAR! WE HAVE A WEDDING TO ATTEND.” I yelled jumping on him. Louis groaned.

“OW! Harry you are hurting me! You tetrad titted tosser!” he yelled. I laughed. I climbed off the bed.

“Well get up cranky pants!” I said on the way out. I walked by Ashley’s room and Niall was gently waking her up. I could tell he liked her.

“Love. It is time to wake up now. We have to get ready for the wedding.” He said sweetly, shaking her gently. I aww’ed to myself and I continued into the bathroom. I took a shower; I climbed out and wrapped a towel around my waist. I went into the bedroom and I put on my best tuxedo. I was looking rather dashing. I put on my shoes, I tightened my tie and I walked down the stairs as I waited for everyone else to finish getting ready. I wonder how beautiful Cammie looks. I miss her already and she has only been gone for a couple hours. How am I going to deal with being away from her for a whole tour!?

*Cameron’s Pov*

I loved my makeup. I had on a beautiful blend of purple eye shadows, light pink blush, mascara, eyeliner, and light pink lip stain. My hair was curled and a few pieces were pinned loosely back. The bridesmaid dresses were lavender, strapless, and they had a white sash around the waist. It was flawless. I changed into my dress and slipping on the silver sparkly heals. I admired myself in the mirror. Madison looked gorgeous too. Her makeup was done similar to mine but toned down a little bit.

“Wow Cammie you look prettier than a princess!” Madison said admiring my appearance.

“Aw thanks Maddie. You look beautiful too.” I said. a frown fell upon her face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her.

“I want to wear a dress like you. I want to be in the wedding.” She said in a sad whiny voice.

“Aw, well there will be tons of other weddings you can be in!” I said trying to cheer her up.

“Like yours and Harry’s?!” she exclaimed and the smile on her face grew larger. my heart stopped. Would Harry and I ever get married? Would I get to walk down the aisle and stand in front of the guy I loved? Which at the moment was Harry. I snapped back to reality.

“Of course!” I lied. Well I didn’t really lie. Maybe Harry and I would end up getting married but I wasn’t sure.

“Guys! Bad news! Olivia is sick and she can’t make it! We don’t have a flower girl!” a women in charge cried. I had an idea. I looked over at Maddie who caught my drift. She was nodding her head quickly and jumping up and down.  

“Maddie will do it!” I said pushing her toward the woman.

“Fantastic!” she said handing Maddie the dress and the basket with the flowers. The smile on Maddie’s face was huge! Maddie went to go change and then the hairstylist did her hair. She looked so adorable. I went over to go see Bridget. She looked amazing. Her dress was strapless, and white obviously. The top was all laced and then had stones around the top. Her blond hair was perfectly curled and it fell down her back as they placed the vale on her head.

“Oh my gosh Bridget you look flawless!” I said.

“Aw thank you Cammie! I am so nervous! Can you do me a favor?” she asked.

“Yeah sure anything.”

“Can you go check on Tyler, since I am not allowed to see him?” she asked.

“Sure.” I smiled and she thanked me. I walked out of the room and down the hall to find Tyler. I knocked on the door and a tall man answered.  It was Tyler’s best friend Joey. I stepped back.

“Um, hi I was looking for Tyler. Is he in here?” I asked trying to look behind him.

“Yeah he was here just a second ago. I will go get him.” the Joey said.  After several minutes Joey came back. He looked nervous.

“Um, we have a slight problem……uh…..Tyler is nowhere to be found” he said.

“What???!!! You idiots lost the groom????” I yelled. Joey cover my mouth and shushed me. I took his hand off me and I went to look for Tyler. I ran up and down the halls. I couldn’t find him. oh my gosh, this Is not good. I ran outside of the church. I ran down the steps holding my dress up so I wouldn’t trip. I looked all around. I saw someone sitting in the park across the street. I squinted my eyes and I looked harder. It was Tyler! I ran across the street almost getting hit by a car. Tyler stood up. I hugged him.

“Tyler!” I yelled. I hugged him close.

“Hey.” He said calmly. We sat on the bench.

“What is the matter? Why are you out here and not in there?” I asked. He shrugged staring at the ground.

“Well don’t you want to get married to Bridget?” I asked.

“Of course I do!! It’s just that….” he paused.

“It’s what?”

“I just don’t like the thought of me getting married and starting my life. I feel like if I marry Bridget my dance career won’t work out. I just don’t want everything I worked for to be a waste, you know?” He said in his Australian accent.

“Ty, we are all growing up. It is part of life. I am pretty sure Bridget doesn’t care what you do and your dance career is all that you make it out to be. Whatever direction you decided to take your dance career in then we will all support you. You will be great no matter what.” I said trying to encourage me.

“yeah that’s true. But I am also so nervous! Am I making the right decision?” he asked. I thought carefully about my answer.

“Well Bridget is nervous too, I have never seen that girl sweat so much.” Tyler laughed. I continued “and all I can say is do you personally think you are making the right decision? Do you love her? do you want to spend the rest of your life with her? Start a family with her? if you answered yes to all those questions then I think you made the right choice.” I said standing up.

“just know whatever you pick I am always here for you.” I said with a smile and I hugged him.

“Thanks Cammie.” he said into my hair. I smiled and turned around. I ran back to the church. It was show time! if Tyler hasn’t changed his mind. 


HEYYYY PEOS!!!! im calling you that from now on! No one will ever know what it means. MWAHAHHAHAHAH! this was just a filler. the good stuff comes to those who wait! i might upload the next chapter if you beg me! Don't forget to vote, comment, fan, and SPREAD THE WORD!!!!! Follow my twitter @MyHarryFeels11! I tweet funny things just ask @i_like_food08 HAHHA. OKAY GUYS PEACE, LOVE, JANOSKIANS, AND FOREVER TWERKING!!!! 

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