Always Be sCaming: Jodie Foster x Scam Likely

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Spoilers for S2 ep 23
(This might be a 2 parter? Probably with a little time skip cause holy shit, anyways I'm currently watching the Prince of Egypt with some cool dudes while writing this and they have no idea 🤪✌️)

Scam Likely loved messing with people, Everyone knew this. Though sometimes he had the tendency to take things too far

Many things changed in the world of the Doodler and it wasn't unusual for both Scam and Jodie to accompany the daddies on missions. Jodie was more like their baby sitter while Scam would goof around and liven up the group. It was safe to say that they didn't always see eye to eye on how to go about things.

Scam was alway trying to fluster Jodie, and oh boy was it easy. A single joke or comments and he would be at a loss for what to say.

Scam spotted Jodie just sitting slightly away from the rest of the group, seemingly deep in thought. He had no choice but to bother him.

Scam leaned over his shoulder, "heya cutie, whatcha thinking about?"

Jodie tried to ignore him and brushed scam off his shoulder. "Nothing, I'm just making sure you dumbasses don't get yourselfs killed." He said rolling his eyes.

"Well I mean, I've died before so I don't think it's a very big deal." Scam responded while moving to sit infront of Jodie. "Also Glenn's already dead so you aren't doing a very good job." He said teasing

"Heh yeah well, Glenn is really the least of my concern." He leaned back in the grass and let out a sigh "how are you so positive all the time? Like how can you just go about care free when so much shit is happening around us?" Jodie asked. He had a melancholy tone to his voice, almost as if he'd been lost in thought for a while.

"Hmmmm well I mean, someone has to lighten the mood, and they say do what you're good at, so it might as well be me." He leaned back beside Jodie "do you wanna see something really funny?" Scam asked

"I honestly don't know if I wanna answer that" Jodie replied

"Trust me I think you do." Scam winked and snapped his finger and all of a sudden, in his hand appeared a bag of milk. "Look at it!"

Jodie looked at the bag Scam was holding up. "What the fuck is that?"

"I know right!? Canada man!" He said shaking the bag

"Ok seriously put that away." Jodie said sitting up and trying to push Scam's hand away.

"What you don't like my bagged milk?" Scam said in a joking tone still shaking the bag.

"No I don't, it doesn't even make sense! Why is it in a bag?"

Scam snapped again and the bag was gone. He leaned closer to Jodie and said in an almost flirty tone "Things don't have to make sense to be mesmerizing." He winked and stood up. He held out a hand towards Jodie. "We should probably get a move on, don't you think?"

Jodie looked up at the hand and grabbed it pulling himself up but avoiding eye contact. "Yeah, probably..." He replied

Scam started walking towards the rest of the  group when felt Jodie's hand on his shoulder.

"I- um, so I think that what you said about things not needing to make sense, I think that I understand that much, like you. No matter how hard I try I can't make sense of you. You're loud and obnoxious, and rarely think of anyone but yourself and what you could get out of a situation, but you really are mesmerizing." Jodie stated.

Scam chucked, "I know. I'm just hard not to fall for I guess."

*Fade to black*

Dungeons and Daddies (a bdsm series of one shots)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat