Willy Stampler x Barry Oak x Bill Close: Please, call me Daddie

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(AN: I'm apologizing in advance for this one )

Willy Stampler sat apon the grate throne in Castle Ravenloft. His elbow on the cushion of the arm rest, causing his robe to drape over the side. The look on his face alone was enough to strike fear onto anyone who looked as him. Beside him on his left, on a smaller throne sat Bill trying to tune his guitar. Plucking each string one by one and adjusting accordingly.

"Could you stop with that before I destroy the damn thing!" Willy said in a not so calm tone, glaring over at the short man with anger in his eyes.

"Chill out man, I'm almost done." Bill responded with a scoff. He strummed down on the guitar now in tune. "See, that sounds much better."

"No it just sounds irritating." Willy responded while rolling his eyes

On the right of him sat Barry, as calm as ever sitting with his legs crossed and perfect posture. "Willy, maybe you should learn how to embrace the music that surrounds you, instead of fighting it."

Words always seemed to just flow out of Barry's mouth like a soothing melody. Both of the other men couldn't help but be infactuated with the sound of it. Willy would never admit that though, his aura was too powerful to show any weaknesses, especially to the sound of another man's voice.

"Literally shut the fuck up. No one asked you." Willy huffed

"Dude chill my dude, you're harshing the vibe" Bill leaned back in his throne after placing down his guitar.

"Don't call me dude, I'm not your dude. Don't ever call me that again." You could hear the rage building up in his voice with every word he spoke.

"So then what should we call you? If we're making this a rule now. Sorry Mr. Stampler, sir, or should I call you 'the all mighty one' or 'omega ass hole'" Bill said in a sarcastic tone

Barry interrupted trying to break the tension. "Bill this isn't the time to turn on each other. Why don't we both take a few seconds to do some breathing exercises to ground ourselves before anyone says anything they'll regret"

"No no no, if 'Mr. Big shot' over here has such a problem with me, then he should have no problem telling me what we should be calling him! So go on, what are we to call you, our 'great and powerful leader'!" Bill said in a tone almost as if he was trying to get Willy to slap him.

Willy however, seemed to be keeping his cool a lot better than normal. There was this tense silence filling the room that both Bill and Barry didn't have the nerve to break.

Willy sighed "I think it would be best if from now on, you called me Daddie."

Right after he spoke those words he clapped his hands together and in a cloud of smoke disappeared.

"What did you just do?" Barry said, trying not to show any anger or stress

"I was just trying to lighten the mood, but you two are always harshing my vibe. Like why can't we joke around every once and awhile, huh?" Bill exclaimed. When he agreed to the plan to become immortal with Daddie magic, he never expected to be suck with suck boring people. He could never have any fun with it.

Just then, Willy appeared back onto his throne as if nothing happened, except now he was wearing a shirt that simply said 'Daddie Master' and he had a smug look on his face.

"Well aren't you going to ask where I went?" Willy said in an almost condescending tone.
The other two just sat in shock not knowing what to say. "Fine I guess I'll just tell you. I put a curse on the entire world. Maybe next time this will teach you to behave yourself."

"What do you mean you cursed the world? How did you even do that" Bill responded.

"Well you see, I made it so the only way anyone can have milk is if it comes from a bag, like how they do it in Canada. I figured that was an appropriate inconvenience to inflict." Willy was too proud of himself for coming up with this curse.

"But what does that have to do with us? Barry is literally vegan and I'm lactose intolerant." Bill was getting more confused by the second.

Willy scoffed "Oh nothing. It just seems like something that would make you uncomfortable to have to see, even if from a distance."

Barry took a deep breath. "If you boys are done being petty can we get back to actually figuring out our plan? It seems like a better way to use our time."

"Fine, but just know, whenever you see a bag of milk, it's Bill's fault." Willy huffed

(AN: guys I know, I'm such a good author, I just really captured the energy of all the omega daddies

Oh? What? You though that this was actually going to be a ship post?

*Pulls out spray bottle* BAD! NO! GROSS!

*Sigh* ok fine)

And then all the omega daddies made out and it was super hot and sexy cause they are all dilfs.

*Fade to black*

(AN: are you happy now?)

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