worm wiggle wiggle: Henworm Oak x Darryl Wormson

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(I refuse to give any context whatsoever)

Henworm and Darryl found themselves in a rather unfortunate situation. The two worms on a string had somehow gotten themselves really badly tangled. The green worm was completely wrapped around the dark blue worm. The more the too tried to untangle themselves, the worse it seemed to get.

"Oh gosh we're really stuck" Henworm said

Darryl Wormson was so flustered, he didn't know how he got here, but he honestly wasn't upset about it. "Um, Henworm? I think we might need some help. The more we move the closer we get stuck together. Not that there's anything wrong with being close to you, just! I'm going to stop talking now."

Henworm stopped moving, he accepted his fate of being tangled. But at least it was with Darryl. He's always been fond of the other worm. He didn't want to admit it but he liked him a lot more than Wron Stampler and Gworm Close. In fact, his feelings were borderline romantic, though he didn't think that Darryl Wormson would feel the same. "I don't know where the others are so we might have to just wait it out for a bit"

Darryl didn't mind this. He'd gotten pretty comfortable next to Henworm. "It's fine Henworm, as long as you don't get sick of being this close to me" he chuckled

"I don't think that's possible, you're such an amazing worm, I love being around you." Henworm replied. Darryl didn't know how to respond to that. The two of them locked googly eyes and sat in a comfortable silence until they were even found by Wron and Gworm.

"What happened here!?" Gworm Close said.

"That's a long story for another time." Henworm said

* Fade to black*

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