Ron x Mustache: The reality behind bagged milk

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It was a pretty standard day for one Ron stampler. Terry was off to school and Samantha to work, yet Ron was sitting alone in his office with his computer and shiny business cards. On mundane mornings such as this, he couldn't help but miss the wacky shenanigans of the forgotten realms. Even with the new world with the red sky, Ron couldn't help but look outside and reminisce about the good ol' days with his good pals.

Just as he was getting lost in his daydream about the time in the forgotten realms, Ron was startled by an unfamiliar noise coming from his kitchen. He decided to check what was going on.

As Ron Stampler walked into the kitchen he saw the thing he missed more than anything else in the world sitting on the counter.
"MR. MOUSTACHE!!!" Ron said, overjoyed by the vision of his dearest friend whom he lost so long ago.

Before saying anything Mr.Moustach jumped up and attached himself into Ron's face just as he had so long ago
"Oh Ronald how I missed you so" Mr. Moustache proclaimed

"How did you find me?" Rod said eyes welling up with tears at the feeling of being reunited with his closest friend

"True love always finds a way" replied Mr. Moustache.

With all of the changes in the world of the doodler, one thing was for sure, and that was Ron and Mr. Moustache were meant to be reunited.

"We have to celebrate!! Oh I have a great idea" Ron said while making his way over to the fridge "I have some really cool milk here and um- I think it would be cool if you could, like, help me drink it" Ron said trying to hide his excitement.

He grabbed out from the fridge a bag that was fully sealed and full of milk.
"Why is the milk in a bag" Mr. Moustache asked, a bit dumbfounded

"Oh well my good friend catboy Beth May, who definitely isn't a goose or anything, told me it was more efficient this way so I wanted to try it out." Ron said while grabbing a plastic jug and placing the bag inside. He then proceeded to cut the corner and pour the milk into a glass.

Ron lifted up the glass to his lips and tilted the glass enough so that both he, and Mr. Moustache could drink from it. It was so amazing, like nothing Mr. Moustache had ever experienced before. Something about the milk from a bag just made everything so much more immaculate than if it was from a jug or a carton. He proceeded to absorb the entire glass

"Ron... That was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced in my entire existence. Thank you so much, I- I love you Ron Stampler" Mr. Moustache said.

His words were so touching that it brought tears to Ron's eyes. "I love you too Mr. Moustache. I hope we can stay together forever."

"With the power of the bagged milk, I think that can be arranged" Mr. Moustache replied

*Fade to black*

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