Crossing Paths

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A/N: I decided to title these differently from the standard scenarios just cause it's fun to come up with them. This is basically the 'First Meeting Them' Scenarios.

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Riddler: You and the Riddler met during his little "redemption" arc. To be more specific, you both met at a museum party, bonding over a specific showcase that happened to be your favorite (and you may or may not have rambled on about it for a while... okay a bit longer than just a while but the Riddler had no complaints). He listened to you geek out with a pleased smile before adding on his own knowledge and properly introducing himself. Of course, you already knew of the Riddler, but he insisted you call him by his actual name; he was redeemed after all! Why keep the outfit than? Well, it's iconic and he looks stunning in green! His words though it's not like you disagreed with him. When Edward wasn't practically terrorizing Gotham residents with his schemes and puzzles, he was actually a pretty charming guy. So much so that you both ended up spending the afternoon together, sharing facts about history and the arts before exchanging numbers.

Scarecrow: You never thought of yourself as a criminal, but times were beyond rough and you needed money. You asked in a few favors from some old 'friends' of yours and somehow ended up working for one of the many rogues of Gotham. The Scarecrow. Apparently, he was desperate for some more help (not that he would ever admit it aloud), more specifically the kind of help that could work some of the machines he used for his schemes. Whoever referenced you to the criminal let it slide that you were a handy mechanic and "knew how to put up a good fight if need be". So, you got the job with shocking ease. After that, The Scarecrow himself never paid much mind to you except for ordering you to complete specific tasks.

Mad Hatter: You actually met Jervis before his transition into the Mad Hatter. You owned your own little cafe (which doubled as a small bakery) not too far from where he worked. Due to his love for treats and the pleasant decor of the tiny, tucked away building, he just had to try it out. Maybe he could even take Alice here once he gains the courage to ask her out! You were the first face he saw upon entering the building, since you barely were a little shorthanded at the moment). You greeted him with your bright smile and best customer service, making him feel flustered by the encounter, not used to being shown so much positive attention even if he knew it was customary. He was even more surprised when you continued to converse with him long after he received his order. Slowly but surely, Jervis began to open up to you more and more. You listened to his every word, never once telling him to shut up even when he started to go on and on about the many written works by Lewis Carroll, mostly focusing on a particular set of books. Jervis just could hardly believe how swell the whole interaction went over, leaving the cafe with a grin so wide it could rival that of the Chesire cat. He would definitely become a regular to the cafe.

Penguin: Life had been stressful, and your friends had taken notice of your sour mood as of late. So what was their plan to fix all your struggles? Why take you to a club of course! Before you could argue with any of them, you found yourself seated at a bar as your friends dispersed to enjoy the night in their own personal ways. Well, if you were going to be at a club for the night, might as well get wasted. In your desperate attempt to drown your sorrows in alcohol, you failed to notice the arrival of the owner of the club, who also just so happened to be an infamous criminal. To be fair, most people strayed away from the Penguin when he showed his face. Despite owning the place, he rarely ever made himself known and when he did, no one wanted to get on his bad side. Honestly, you would have remained completely oblivious to the Penguin if he hadn't stepped in to save you from a random guy that tried to get a little too handsy with you (believing you would be drunk enough to not care). It was amusing to see the color fade from the stranger's face when he saw the Penguin scolding him for being forgetting his manners and invading someone's personal space in such a manner. He nearly tripped over his feet in an attempt to get away. You let out a soft laugh at the scene and expressed your gratitude with a handshake and introduction, one he was happy to return. He then assisted you in finding your friends so you could get home safe, both of you agreeing that you had enough drinks for the night.

Two-Face: Working the closing shift was always terrible especially when you worked at a well-known tailor's shop in the middle of Gotham of all places. To add on to your complaints, your only other late-night coworker decided to ditch on their shift last minute, leaving you alone in the shop. Luck seemed to be on your side as tonight wasn't too busy outside of the occasional window shopper... until a particularly chilling face appeared in the shop's front. You recognized half of it as the famed Harvey Dent who had just recently got into an accident that messed up half of his face. You never expected to see the aftermath in person like this, but there was no way you were going to ask him about it. Instead, you gave him a shy smile and asked what you could do for him. He had a permanent glare to his features as he commissioned a suit that was half black and half white. He was really committing to this half and half thing, huh? "I need it done as quickly as possible," He spoke before adding on in a gruffer tone, "make sure it looks decent." Harvey remained silent as you took his measurements, clearly off in his own thoughts. You couldn't really blame him given his situation. He would continue to check up on your progress every other night, each time pushing you more and more to get it done. Two weeks into the project, you were able to finish the suit and threw in a few extra black and white accessories to go with the whole look. You were impressed by the quality considering the time crunch and Harvey appeared to share your sentiments, grunting out a low 'thanks' and paying in nothing but cash before leaving. Little did you know what you had just helped to create.

Harley Quinn: The sight you met Harley in was rather blue. No, you didn't cross paths during one of her crimes alongside the Joker (you doubt she would have noticed you if that were the case). Instead, you ran into her after a fight with the Joker, stumbling across her on a rainy night. She had a few injuries, nothing to serious but still enough to be of concern, and almost immediately clung to you when you made your presence know, snapping her out of the trance she was in as she stared up at the inconspicuous brick building. You could only assume it to be one of the Joker's many hideouts, not that you stuck around to find out. You instantly dragged Harley out of the rain, somehow convincing her to let you patch her up at your apartment. The whole time she rambled on about what she had done wrong to provoke her "puddin'" and listing off ways to regain his trust. The whole situation made you sick to your stomach, but there was no talking sense into her at that moment. The last thing you wanted was to offend her which could only lead to her storming off and getting hurt again. So, you bit your tongue and offered to let Harley stay with you until she could achieve her goal. She was skeptical at first, no shock there considering you were some random stranger. What if you turned her into the police or something? Thankfully, it didn't take much effort to convince her otherwise, even giving up your bed to her so she didn't have to sleep on your uncomfortable (and somewhat broken) couch.

Poison Ivy: You worked in a bio lab near the center of Gotham, slowly climbing the ranks from an unpaid intern to an actual employee and scientist, eventually getting your own lab and all. While you were happy with the progress made, especially in such short time, you could never shake the underlying hate you held for the higher ups of the company. On the off chance you actual ran into any of them, they always brushed you aside as if you were nothing. It was a feeling you were all too familiar with and you were growing to your wits end. So, when an infamous plant themed rogue appeared one late night, when the office was practically deserted, and spoke of requiring a certain chemical for her next scheme, she didn't even have to hypnotize you to gain your assistance. Your compliance was definitely a shock to Ivy, but one she wouldn't take for granted. Though she did keep a skeptical eye on you for a while after, just waiting for you to turn around and tell the guards about the break in. But you never did. If anything, you covered the whole thing up (not that there was much to cover since Ivy is pretty good at not leaving a trace). With this cooperation from an inside source, Ivy would keep in mind to pay this place a visit for future projects.

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Another A/N: Might add some more characters as this series goes on, if I get the time to anyhow. For now, this is the list I'm going with.

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