Chapter 10: A Warm Gaze

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The blame could rest solely upon my grandfather, it remained firmly his fault that I could drown a neat glass of whiskey without gagging or full out vomiting over the floor. My father certainly held no controlling hand as he had been gone when I was in my early teens, so alcohol had not been in the picture, well, with permission, when he left- though he too had been a fervent alcoholic much as his father. I'd learned from him and gramps how to drink however, and therein began drinking far too much before I had been legal. In sketchy bars that were fester pools for the deprived, it was the sensation of simply letting go and although ironic I found it intoxicating. I had no easy time getting drunk, Natsu on the other hand- he could not contain his drink at all, I doubt he even understood what being intoxicated meant. Which would bring me to why he was currently slung over my shoulder as I walked away from the tavern we had been talking within, a small date that had been unassuming to anyone glancing our way, although he might have seen my difference in drink in comparison to his own and pushed himself to keep up with me. Admittedly, it might have been a slight unto him that I'd laughed at his fruit cocktail, because apparently that was really all he drank when in the mood for alcohol, he'd told me when almost knocked out that he didn't like hard liquor unless it was with something sweet, so that made his three cups of dark rum slightly odd in hindsight. Again, I probably shouldn't have laughed about his sweeter taste.

He was groaning everytime I stepped, being rocked so slightly over my shoulder. Although he would probably do well in his own apartment, I have no clue where that is; so mine becomes the only option. It is near midnight with the streets almost vacant and a chill in the air and I'm carrying my drunk boyfriend over my shoulder as I walk to my home. My hand is resting on his upper thighs to maintain balance, but that has no barr on my thoughts as I consider the rather cushioned ass right near my grip, temptation scurries straight south and I have to breathe through my nose to attempt and abate the prominent sensation. Fighting arousal has not occurred to me for awhile, nor at all when in regards to a man, but I've never been attracted to a man besides the one slung over my shoulder in a drunken coma, ass almost pressed against my hand, muscled, but in pressing the back of my hand just a slight higher I can tell its actually quite soft and despite my own attempt previously my south is stirred into attention, making it hard to walk up the stairs without spreading my legs awkwardly wide.

I'm blaming Natsu for this.


Sunlight is heavy on my eyelids, peering into them ever so slightly to cast the uncomfortable sensation of prodding me to get up, but the pillow on the other hand was beckoning with its soft warmth on my cheek, however firm in nature- and moving, which even I know is not possible for an inanimate object. Pillows are not supposed to be firm, or heated, nor moving. The rough touch of something trialing lightly down my opposite cheek as a flicker of a sensation, gentle and without pressure, there one moment then gone the next- stroking. That, moreso then the beckoning of sunlight probing my eyelids has my body tense and said eyelids to snap open; the smell around me is far from that of my home, though relaxing enough for my muscles to calm, and though uncertain the calming scent of gardalias is familiar and I can feel my grin stretch at my lips just as I know my face is burning red from the sudden heat in my core. Though there is a fluff residing light in my belly, in skirming ever so slightly I can tell I'm laying on top of someone, and in peering upwards I can see Laxus staring down at me with an expression foregone of any strain, the lines beneath his eyes seem to have faded while the subtle curves at the corners of his mouth- so common with his resting express of dour boredom, they too are so minimal I would not even know they existed have I not seen them before.

What has my bottom lip drawing into my mouth and all self-confidence near gone is the way he is staring: His eyes are lidded, soft, as his orange irises are shining brilliantly with the glow of the sun poking through his curtains. There's something further adding to the sparkle of his eyes, illuminating their tender gaze and adding to the way his mouth is hardly lifted at the corners but it is so eased it appears tranquil, his focus is on me, his eyes are firm upon my own, and I can feel it, warmth in my chest a swelling near my heart even as it skips several beats and my lungs cannot seem to bring in oxygen for a moment. His expression is saying words without a breath, it is conveying well enough to me as his fingers continue to brush along my cheek. Words catch in my throat, and though it has happened before the nerves rattling about in my head and body is still an odd feeling as the opinion of another person has never truly struck me as important, but the weight of his stare- the implicated feeling behind it has my body warmer then my fire and my mind so light that thinking does not seem plausible. It doesn't last long though, because of course it doesn't, a small smirk crests the blond's features returning his face back to the simple one of mockery and arrogance I'm so familiar with.

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