Chapter 5: Small Observations That None Want To See

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"Laxus sweetie, do you know where I left my apron?"Came the sweetened voice- oddly distorted and echoing within my ears as if in reverbrance. My vision was equally obscured similar to peering through a window of frosted glass. Still I felt my feet hit the ground after dropping from the couch, I can feel the grin puffing out my cheeks. Walking was blurred, a tilting back and forth even in stepping normally and certainly not swaying purposefully, the table chair pertaining to the dining table had the familiar pink cloth hanging from it, rather obvious to the naked eye, but I did not make a comment to my presently occupied mother cooking some dinner and baking cake at the same time, humming a simple lullaby to herself. I grasped the somewhat slickened fabric having trouble properly holding it with my small hands. My eyes seem to be failing me as I walk to the nye glowing appearance of my mother's almost glowing yellow hair, she is a blurred figure, even so I can plainly see her towering over the tops of the wall cabinets of the kitchen.

Turning to me, her orange eyes are near blaring in the strange obscured light changing my perception, but I do see the glint of her smile as she stares down at me. "Why thank you my beautiful boy." Naturally she has to slightly bend down in order to take her apron as I hold it high up to her. Again though her voice is reverbarating in my ears as an odd echo. I feel the smile on my face at her appreciation, "do you wanna help mommy in the kitchen?"I can recognize the sound of my answer, yet I had not given any though to it in that moment, it simply came out of my mouth. I did however notice that I was happy, smiling all the while as I attempt to help her with my tiny frame- hardly reaching the counter. "Alright my big boy go sit down at the table." Once more came her sweetened voice as a small giggle escaped her but to my distorted hearing it sounded deepened and more intense then what it would be. It was no deterrent however, and I crawled up to a sit on the chair. Legs swaying under me in an anticipation I could no longer comprehend, I heard the heavy fall of my towering mother's footfalls on the laminate flooring as she approached with a blurred object in her hands. It clanked as she put it down on the wood of the table, narrowing my eyes I could tell it was a cake covered in chocolate icing.

My smile stings at my face. "There we are, happy birthday!" She's smiling as her knife slowly slices through the soft cake, as she hands me a plate her large hand goes to my face and lingers on my cheek. "I love you." In reaching for my fork however, once more the world tilts on its axis swaying as for a moment my mother suddenly becomes clear to my vision in opposition to everything surrounding becoming more distorted. I can feel the pressure of her hand on my cheek and the fabric of my collar lifting slightly as her large pinky-finger goes underneath my shirt with its size. "Very much, my Laxus." My grin hasn't left.

"I love you too mom!" I respond, yet her smile dips and her fingers stop caressing my cheek, her lips thinning.

"I told you, its mommy." I'm still smiling, my feet swaying under me as I dig into my cake.

"Sorry mommy." I say it rather abstractly paying more attention to the scintillating cake filling my senses.



To sit within the tiny room which now counted as what the guildhall had devolved into, degraded into; as a type of maliceful irony and I have no want to bare my eyes down in a contemplative stare. For the cruel sway of what I had become in desperation for a change of what had never been broken, to the exact mirror image in plain mockery- I had thought it broken, filled with weakened wizards whom had nothing to contribute to the furthering of the guild; now it was, a meager lingering amount of near desolate people who were too loyal to properly leave, yet remained entirely pessimistic that anything would be fixed or changed. They walked with purple, and lank frames beneath their eyes, making an occasional glance to the small quest board every couple minutes in hope that a new opportunity for money might suddenly come forth. A pathetic sight for certain, yet I cannot force a disdain for the sight, even though none of them seemed to harbor the logic to simply join another guild and feed their skin bodies. They remained desperately loyal to a guild which had so obviously fallen, it was pathetic- stupid, still, I know without doubt that I would do the exact same should I be forced into their position.

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