Chapter one

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Sometime things end because they weren't the right people yet.

20th December, 2022

A loud thud coarsed through her ears as she flinched and stepped away from the door. "HOW THE FUCK COULD U CROSS ME JUDITH" her father's voice echoed in the long chilled hallway as Alyna's room was at the middle of it. She was scared, terrified of the harms her father could shove upon her mother. But she wasn't strong enough to stop it from happening, after all she was just a girl, a 23 year old 11 month's and 360 days old girl to be accurate. His 'daddy's little princess' that's how her father always addressed her as.

Alyna was fond of music, she always sought to find some kind of comfort in them. So she did exactly that by covering her ears with those big headphones which were way bigger than her head itself and she always would sit near her window with her knees hugged to her chest and stare out of the window. It was December. Her fav month, where it snows and snows and snows and just snows. Also because she was born in such a beautiful weather. 25th December, the Day where all children got gifts for Christmas, Alyna didn't often get one for her birthday. Christmas was on its way, but she wasn't one of those normal girls who would receive gifts from their parents, neither did she come from a family who were invited at homes for Christmas or thanksgiving. Life was different and difficult for Alyna. It always has been. She belonged to a normal family to say atleast. There were times when her father used to ask for extra money to fulfill his dirty and unholy needs. He had a lot of debts to pay, nobody knew how he'll do it but he has to or else they all die.

She was the Only daughter of Alessandro Lawrence who worked for the Russian mafia. Yess, her father was one of the few trusted people who knew every step the team took, the gang that worked for Fernando Torres, the most known mafia gang leader of Russia and she someday was expected to take over her father's position for the don. She never wanted this, she never wanted to rule, all she ever wanted was to become a doctor a surgeon to be precise, so she could always help people, heal people his father and his men used to kill without any second thoughts..Alyna was nothing like her father and she never wished to be, she was a soft kind hearted and the most purest soul to ever exist in this miserable world...

She resembles her mother more, Judith Lawrence. Her mother lived to be many things but never a woman with a happy fate. She was the only little girl among her 4 brothers who were brutality killed by her own husband Alessandro. Judith's father took his own life when she was 5 years old, since then it was her and her brothers. They used to own a Café down the street of Greece and judith always enjoyed her brothers company until one day Alessandro walked in and killed them all in front of the little girl's eye just because one of her brother served him cold coffee instead of a hot one! Very mature I know! He was high on drugs because he just got promoted as one of the very few trusted people of Fernando. He then took Judith to his house, tried to force himself on her, but the girl Judith lived to be, she never allowed him to touch her, she fought him everytime he came close, so instead of trying it again and again, he married her. After a year, Alyna was born. The only thing Judith was proud of, was her little girl Alyna. Alessandro was disappointed for having a girl and started cursing and beating Judith everytime till a point where she was pregnant with another child and she lost it. After that miscarriage she could never get pregnant ever again.
Alyna was always reminded by her father how she has always been a disappointment for him and how she'll have to give up on her dreams and her life for the mafia group his father had spent his whole life working for.

She was sooo indulged in her own thoughts that she didn't even realize that her father was now standing in her room just inches apart from her. Alessandro cleared his throat with his hands tucked in his pocket. The music she was listening to was over and as soon as she cloaked back to reality she flinched and almost dropped her headphones to the floor and stood tall on her shaking feets. Her head bowed low as she with her thin voice and with all the strength she had left asked,

"Did you need anything father? "

Alessandro slowly walked towards her, tucking two of his fingers below her chin to make her look up,

"Wear proper clothes and come down in the dining hall, we have matters to discuss. "with that being said he stormed off the room leaving his little girl shaking in fear for what was about to happen to her next.

She got dressed and went down. Alessandro was seated at the head of the dining table and her mother was at the left of his father and Alyna was suppose to be seated on the chair at the right side of his father. After taking a seat, she looked around, it was quieter than usual.The silence was eating her up, there were all of her favourite meals kept in front of her but she didn't even feel like spearing them a glance, gathering the courage she needed she asked with her thin voice

"What is it father? Did something bad happen? " that was all that took for the madman to throw his glass of water on the floor shattering it into pieces. Both Alyna and Judith flinched by the noise of it. Nobody dared to utter a word...After what felt like hours, he spoke,

"As we all know the responsibility I have on my shoulders, of protecting us and my king. There were times when I was out of money, so I had to ask for some extra money from the boss so that we can get meals to eat everyday-",

"Noo noo noo, you took money and increased your debt for your own fun, for your dirty needs and not to feed our stomachs, so dont you dare put this on us!!"

Alyna was both confused and scared for the way her mother for the very first time spoke against her father and to her surprise it was the very first time Alessandro didn't say or act in any way. He was quite, his sight grounded down to his plate. After a little while he spoke the words Alyna wished she never heard.

" Because of the amount of debt I have to pay off, it's nearly impossible for me to clear them off in just 2 months and if I don't, Fernando will kill us all. So......."
clearing his throat he continued

" I made a deal with someone which would pay off our debts and also keep all of us safe."

Alyna was more confused than terrified, she kept staring at his fathers face to atleast get a glimpse of emotion as to what he meant was good or bad but there was none. Judith knew about the deal but she was more heartbroken than ever, she didn't dare to look Alyna straight in her eyes, she was embarrassed, furious, sad, broken and everything a mother shouldn't be for her children.

"Everything has a price daughter."
Alessandro finally broke the silence,

"And the price here is to get you married to Jackson Romanno!"

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