Chapter 11: Vale Rogues Gathered/Cross-Tale's First Fight

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(In a warehouse, five cloaked figures are seen gathered around a table.)

????: We're all gathered for one reason, to bring this Kamen Rider Saber and his team down. Now let's state our names.

(Then the first one reveals to be Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke.)

Deathstroke: Deathstroke.

(The second one reveals to be Albedo.)

Albedo: Albedo.

(The third one reveals to be Nolan Grayson aka Omni-Man.)

Omni-Man: Omni-Man.

(The fourth one reveals to be Steven Armstrong.)

Armstrong: Senator Armstrong.

(And the last one reveals to be the leader of the Vale Rogues, Cinder Fall.)

Cinder: Cinder Fall. Now let's speak the words and seal our pact.

Rogues: Death to Cross-Tale!

(Then they stick their knives at the pictures of the Cross-Tale members.)

(In Vale, a group of Atlas Soldiers is seen slowly approaching a building, until an explosion happens, the explosion is caused by the Vale Rogues.)

Albedo: (to Deathstroke) She said they'd come.

Deathstroke: A matter of time, kid. The Headmasters will send them here anytime.

Cinder: Armstrong, is that thing done yet.

Armstrong: Just finishing up.

(Then the Armstrong is seen getting his mech ready for action. Then it starts shooting as a certain Schnee is seen shielding herself.)

Winter: Open Fire!

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Winter: Open Fire!

Atlas Soldier 1: Yes ma'am!

Atlas Soldier 2: You heard her. Open Fire!

(The Atlas Soldiers start shooting back, but the shots can't damage the mech.)

Armstrong: Atlas is nothing but a joke compared to America!

Cinder: Nice one, senator.

Omni-Man: Someone's coming.

Cinder: (smirks) The rat taking the cheese.

Deathstroke: You ready, senator?

Armstrong: You bet. It will be fun teaching Cross-Tale to not fuck with this senator.

(Armstrong aims at someone, but instead of Cross-Tale, it's Weiss Schnee.)

Armstrong: Uh-oh, wrong target.

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