Chapter 5: "Now you hear me?"

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Lance and the others try to follow Keith's crew but end up losing them in an asteroid field.

"Damn it!" Lance slams the control panel infront of him.

"Dont lose hope yet. I have an idea of where he might be going." Kolivan reassures Lance, as he places his hand on the humans shoulder.

"You really think he might be going there?" Krolia asks.

"Where else do the hybrids go when their genes begin to show?" Kolivan asks, mostly making a point.

"How would he know about it?" She asks.

"I may have told him." Kolivan admits.

"Well where is this place?" Shiro asks.

"In that field." Krolia now answers.

"You have a place for your hybrid offspring to go?" Allura asks, disgusted.

"When certain hybrids start showing galra traits they can be extremely temperamental and violent." Kolivan explains. "They need a safe place to go to finish the precious and sometimes even reveal their rank."

"Rank?" Lance asks.

"Alpha, omega, beta,etc." Krolia answers.

"Oh." Lance replies. "What is your rank?" He asks krolia.

"Alpha." She answers.

"I'm guessing Alpha?" Lance asks kolivan.

"Correct." Kolivan answers.

"Let's set the course." Krolia jumps back to the other subject.

"We cant make it in the castle. It will be destroyed in this field." Shiro points out.

"What about the lions?" Pidge jumps in and asks.

"Yeah we take the lions and slip through." Lance agrees.

"Leave me out of this." Allura jumps in.

"Does Zarkon know of this place?" Shiro asks, ignoring allura.

"Yes." Kolivan answers.

"Should we worry?" Shiro now asks.

"I doubt it." Krolia answers.

"We bring all the lions incase we need voltron." Shiro orders.

"I'm not going!" Allura shouts.

"You are the reason for this problem and now you are coming with to fix it!" Shiro shouts back.

Allura says nothing but sulks.

They head out with the lions to track Keith. Krolia and Kolivan join them and leave the rest of the blade crew they had with with Coran to protect the castle.

Krolia rode with Lance and kolivan with Shiro.

When they got further into the field kolivan pointed at one giant asteroid. "There." He states. "That's the hide away." He adds.

"Team head for the giant asteroid." Shiro orders.

They all land their lions and make it into the base.

They follow kolivan and krolia through the entrance.

The blades that followed Keith see the new comers. "Hault!"

"You dare order your leader?" Kolivan growls.

"Kolivan!" One shouts in shock. "Look, no disrespect sir but we follow Keith. You are no longer our leader."

"Depending on the rank he presents as it might not last long." Kolivan mumbles. "Where is he?"

The other galra lead the team down a hall way. They begin to hear banging and screaming. "How long has he been mid transition?" Krolia asks.

"Since before we got here." A solder answers. "He tore up the cell pretty good in the ship."

"I see." Krolia responds.

They make it to the door of the cell Keith lays in. Only way to look into the cell is a sliding door at the eye level of a galra.

They hear thrashing and then a load bang that is then followed by a load scream of pain.

Lance clutches his fists and shuts his eyes. He can't stand hearing Keith be in pain.

Kolivan looks into the cell. After looking in he looks to krolia in what looks like horror.

"Hes strong for a half breed." Kolivan states. Krolia now takes a look. She gasps and stands back.

"What? Is Keith okay?" Shiro asks.

"Never have we seen a half breed able to break the cell like he has." Krolia answers.

"Maybe it's just old?" Pidge tries.

"We keep this base up to code and as if it's new." A galra soldier states, slightly insulted.

"When was the last half breed brought here?" Shiro now asks.

"Long time." Is all krolia answers.

"After Zarkons son began recruiting half breeds to his cause we forbid anyone in the blade to mate with other species." Kolivan states.

"Why didnt you say that before?" Pidge asks.

"Didn't think it was important." Kolivan states.

"So keiths-"

"No. There's others. Some just don't follow the rules." Kolivan answers the unfinished question and looks to krolia in a pointing manner.

"Wasn't my intention to find a husband." Krolia growls.

At that the cell door is stuck by Keith and dented pretty good. "How long does this last?" Lance asks.

"Depends on the half breed." Kolivan answers.

"Well I don't think we have much time." Shiro states. And as if on cue the door is busted down. "Move!" Shiro orders as everyone moves out if the way of the flying cell door. There stands Keith but not human Keith.

When the dust and such clears, they get a good view at the damage Keith had caused.

Walls destroyed, chains in pieces, and bed broke in half.

Keith looks up to see his friends and mother.

Lance looks in horror as he sees Keith a full galra. "Keith..."

"I told you that he can't be trusted." Allura annoyingly states.

"Shut up!" Lance turns to her in anger. "You're the one who caused this problem! You started this!"

Everyone's attention is faced back to Keith as he starts to laugh. He laughs for a good minute then looks to the others. "Now do you hear me?" He asks.

All anyone else, even the other soldiers that chose to follow Keith, looked to the half breed in pure horror.

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