chapter 4: Ending This

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"Are we clear on the plan?" Shiro asks, looking to his team.

"Do we really have to attack? Let me try to reason with him." Lance tries.

"Keith has brought in many blade members to his side " Kolivan states.

"Well he's my boyfriend. I'm sure I can talk sense into him." Lance tries some more.

"Hes also my son. Please let us try." Krolia jumps in, standing next to Lance.

Kolivan looks to Shiro who nods. He looks to the other two. "If he is refusing to back down then we will do what we must." He clarifies.

"Trust me, if anyone can get through to Keith, its Lance." Pidge jumps in.

"Krolia, Lance, keep your communicators on so we can hear the conversation. The moment we see he resists we will move in." Shiro states.

"Fine..." Krolia and Lance both agreed.

They lock down his location and send Lance and Krolia down.

"How does he know of this abandoned base?" Krolia asks, no one in particular.

"Someone of the other blades must have told him." Lance answers.

"Never did I think I'd have to do this. I have failed as a mother."

"You couldn't have known. You thought he would have stayed on earth. Never knowing of his heritage." Lance tries.

"Its because of his father and I hiding it from him that he's this way." She states.

"No, it's because allura couldn't let go of her hatred for galra and went after someone who she use to call friend." Lance continues.

They arrive to the base. They were greeted by other blade members.

"Krolia? Have you come to join?" One asks.

"I need to speak with my son." She answers.

The others lead the two through the base. There stands Keith with allura held in chains.

"Lance!" Allura calls out, relieved.

"Keith, what's going on?" Lance asks.

"Dont. Just dont start acting like you care." Keith growls.

"I've always cared." Lance tries.

"Did you?" Keith asks and walks up to Lance becoming face to face.

"Yes." Lance answers.

"Keith, doing this will not prove what you think it will. Doing this makes you as bad as-"

"Zarkon?!" Keith now growls at his mother. "That's all she sees and that all those who follow her see. I can't be apart of voltron because of her. I lost the only family I had because of her. They sent me away to accommodate to this prissy princess!"

Lance tries to jump in. "Keith-"

"You tossed me out! You abandoned me! You promised you wouldn't and you did!" Keith interrupts Lance.

"It wasn't my choise!" Lance shouts.

"I didn't see you counter their choice." Keith growls.


"Stay out of it Krolia!" Keith snaps.

She looks to her son stunned and hurt.

"Look, keith...." Lance tries. "The others....if we can't get to a reasonable decision they will come and attack. Voltron, your friends, your team, will come and attack to save allura."

"Of course they will. I'm no longer one of you so there's no hesitation on attacking me." Keith growls.

"That's not-"

"I said stay out of it!" Keith shouts and kicks his mother, sending her to the wall.

"Krolia!" Lance shouts out as he runs to her aid.

"You all refuse to hear my pain of being betrayed and now it's my turn to ignore your pain. You asked for this the moment you decided its time I left voltron because of this spoiled altean!" Keith shouts and starts walking towards allura with a blade.

"Kolivan....bring them in." Krolia whispers into her com.

"Sending in reinforcements now." Kolivan answers.

"Wait!" Lance shouts. Keith stops and glance over his should at Lance. "You know this isn't right. Hurting others to make them feel your pain fixes nothing."

"It'll fix mine." Keith growls.

"No, it causes more pain then needed. Zarkon killed her people, she hates galra, she hurts galra by doing what she does to you, and now you are continuing the cycle. You kill her and you make the whole galaxy or rather universe hate galra even more. You let Zarkon win at that point." Lance goes on.

"So be it." Keith replies after a long silence.

"Enough keith!" Shiro comes running in.

"Save it Shiro." Keith growls and starts walking to allura.

Lance launches at Keith and causes them to slam onto the ground. Rolling around on the ground.

"Let go!" Keith shouts.

"Stop this!" Lance shouts back.

Lance manages to pin Keith to the ground. Keith tries struggling.

"You know you can't get out of this pin." Lance states, a bit too proud of himself.

"Get off of me!" Keith growls, pupils turning cat like.

"Commander Krolia!" The other blade members come in just in time. They begin to fend off the blade members that joined Keith's side.

"Keep them at bay we will grab allura and return her to the castle!" Krolia orders her team.

Shiro and Krolia make their way to allura. They release her from her shackles and help her to the ship. "Take her to the ship." Krolia orders Shiro.

"What are you doing?" Shiro asks.

"Retrieving my boys." She states as she goes back for Keith and Lance. However, she is stopped by the blade members that left to join Keith. "Damn..."

"This isn't right and you know it." Lance states, trying to keep Keith pinned.

"What's not right is the lump all galra together!" Keith growls, canines forming.

"Look at yourself!" Lance grabs his shirt and pins him against a reflective surface. "Look at what you are becoming!"

Keith looks and sees his galra genes showing.

"This us what you are becoming!" Lance starts again. "You are becoming what they fear. What you don't want them to see."

"Fuck off!" Keith manages to push Lance off and run off with his blade members.

"Kolivan! Keith and the other galra are getting away!" Krolia let's her commander know.

"Return to the castle now! We follow them." Kolivan orders.

"A galra giving orders in my castle! I will not-"

"Princess! Much do respect but that attitude is what caused this mess in the first place." Coran surprisingly interrupts her.

Allura says nothing but pouts.

Krolia, the blade, and Lance return to the castle and immediately lock on to Keith's ship and tries to follow.

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