Chapter 2: Living Hell

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The next day Shiro orders the team to do some training exercises, hand to hand combat.

"I'll assign partners. I want Hunk and pidge against each other. I'll face off with Lance. Then last is allura and keith." Shiro orders. At this Keith looks to allura. She glares at Keith, hateful. "Spread out and begin."

Keith and allura find their spot and allura doesn't even give Keith a second to get ready. She immediately begins to attack Keith. She starts with a quick kick to the side. Keith blocks it and ends up on the ground. She doesn't even give him a moment to collect himself as she goes to grab his shirt and throw him across the room.

Keith slams against the wall, gasping as he does. He falls to the floor and tries to get up but ends up being shoved down by Alluras foot. "I think I win." She states.

"Allura!" Lance shouts as he sees what is going on.

"I'm only training." Allura replies to being yelled at. "Its not my fault this galra can't fight." She adds.

"Allura!" Lance shoves her off of Keith. "You okay?"

Keith looks up to Lance and then the rest of the team. They all look to him and all he feels is judged. He shoves Lance away. "I'm fine." He states. "I guess I'm just still sore from yesterday." Keith adds and leaves the room.

He walks to his room and locks himself away.

After what seems like hours he hears a knock on his door. He opens it to see Allura.

"Not in the mood." Keith growls.

"Nor am I." She growls back. "I was told to come and apologize but I rather say this. If you can't stand your ground now, knowing you're one of them then you don't deserve to be a paladin of voltron." She starts walking away.

Keith says nothing and just locks himself in his room again.

Keith wouldn't even let Lance in his room that night. And even refused to speak with Shiro.

The next day wasn't any better.

Allura and Shiro called a meeting in discussing the alliance with the blade.

"We need to make a decision today. I think we need to take the alliance opportunity. Having the blade on our side will infact give us an edge. Zarkon will never guess we would ally ourselves with them." Shiro explains.

"They can't be trusted. All galra can't be trusted." She states and glares directly at Keith.

Keith glares back at her but looks away as soon as he feels Lance grabbing his hand. Keith snatches his hand away and goes back to starring off into space.

"We need the blade on our side. Not all galra are bad." Shiro starts back up.

"We know nothing of the blades." Allura growls.

"We can learn then." Pidge starts.

"I mean Keith is half galra and he's done nothing but good." Hunk points out.

"Keith didn't know he was galra till now. So who's to say he won't turn on us aswell." Allura goes to glare at Keith again who in return glares back.

"That's not fair to cluster all of them together." Shiro states. "Back on earth that's called being racist."

"Whatever you earthlings call it, it doesn't apply here. Zarkon was once my fathers friend and he betrayed all of altea. And now every galaxy." Allura growls.

"There are those that fight against Zarkon." Keith jumps back in.

"I'm not speaking to you." Allura growls at Keith.

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