Chapter II

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The birds were chirping, and the sunshine was slightly peeking through my bedroom curtains.
I woke feeling a lot better than I was last night. A few hours after I fell asleep I heard my mother coming home. Right as she entered the door my father quickly ran downstairs and they both started arguing.

In the early morning, I started to overthink this whole Rosewood situation and I concluded that I should maybe apply to another school but then I thought to myself that I would be only showing weakness. So, as any other normal human being, I was going to fight for my place in this world. I wasn't going to be bossed around by my crazy mother and father. I was going to show them that I can do this even without their support. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and went downstairs where I saw my parents drinking their morning coffee, together. For once they didn't fight or anything. They were talking like normal human beings.

- Good morning. How did you two sleep? - I asked as if we didn't argue last night.
- Oh you must have forgotten about last night, let me remind you. - my mother replied.
- No need, I'm well aware of what happened last night. I wanted to speak to you about it anyway. I want to go to Rosewood Academy and I will go.
- Wow young lady, don't you think you're too young to be deciding these things? - my father joined the conversation.
- No dear sir, I think I'm mature enough to decide what's best for me. - I started to get a bit annoyed.
- You kids always have to talk back to your parents who love you and only want the best for you! Don't you think it's a bit disrespectful talking back to us or are you participating in a new "trend"? - my mother thinks that social media has a huge impact on kids' brains, and I can't deny that but we can do anything we want as long as it's legal I guess. But that doesn't mean social media has an impact on everything. Especially not on my " attitude ".
- No, it's not a trend and I have better things to do than sit here and argue with two imbeciles.
- Paige Vanderbilt, don't you dare talk to us that way! - my father yelled.

I turned around and sprinted back to my room and locked the door. I must move to Rosewood, I must leave this stupid town and my awful parents. If they were a bit more supportive I wouldn't have to do this. Because what I am about to do is very dangerous and probably illegal. I snuck into my father's office and put in the code to his safe where he keeps a lot of money. I have no idea what my tuition costs but I'm taking all of it. I hurried back to my room and started packing, I didn't even write back to Rosewood Academy but I don't care. I put the money into a separate bag. I put the money at the bottom of it and I filled the rest of it with clothes so it won't be suspicious. I opened my window and threw my luggage out the window, I called an Uber and went straight to the station. I bought a one-way ticket to Rosewood. I got on the train.

There's no turning back now

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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