Chapter 1: apartment

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First things first: they need a place to stay.

Professor Kukui and the trial captains were putting the finishing touches on the Battle Tree. He'd walked Red and Green through the whole process of screening pokémon trainers, hiring receptionists and assistants to maintain it, the different types of battles they'd allow, and the rewards awaiting those that managed to climb their way to the top.

"You two will get to fight the best of the best, cousin!" Professor Kukui had gushed over the phone. "There'll never be a dull moment!"

If there's one thing that he and Green love, it's a challenging battle. It only takes a few conversations for the two of them to reach a decision. They'd been unsure of how to move forward, anyway. This opportunity had fallen into their laps at the perfect moment. Little sparks come from Pikachu's cheeks as he clues in to Red's interest about fighting strong trainers in a new region. Eevee seems to be on board, too, brushing up against Green's arm with wide brown eyes, her tail swishing back and forth.

It goes unspoken between them that another pro of heading a battle facility is that they'd be doing it together.

Red's looking forward to it, especially since it's their first time picking out a place as a couple. What a long, complicated journey that had been. From tense conversations and emotionally charged pokémon battles to quiet admissions and calm understanding. And now, to getting a place together on Melemele Island.

Green takes the lead—as he often does with social interactions—discussing pricing and amenities with the landlady. The building itself seems nice, four floors with plenty of windows and people who smile and wave at them as they pass. A few even want pictures, which Red and Green oblige.

"It's got a beautiful view," the landlady says, leading them into the one bedroom apartment Green had spoken with her about earlier. She's an older woman with light brown hair tied up in a bun with light pink glasses, a plain blue t-shirt and simple jeans. She wears flip-flops, which Red notices many people in Alola wear. He isn't surprised, considering the always prevalent sunny weather.

Green whistles, pocketing his hands as he enters the living space. Eevee jumps from his shoulders and begins to explore. Red smiles softly as Pikachu rushes off to join her. "Hey, be careful you two!" Green calls after them. The pleased mewls from their pokémon are always a nice sound, but Eevee and Pikachu can get a bit rambunctious in their play fighting. Green turns to the landlady. "You mind if we take a look around?"

"Not at all!" She says with a kind laugh. As the two of them engage in some polite conversation, Red elects to follow Eevee and Pikachu deeper into the apartment.

He's never apartment hunted before. Two years ago, he'd simply moved into Green's place in Sinnoh and made do with what was available. Now, they have to pick the best space that suits both of them, but he isn't sure what to look for or how to conduct business when it comes to this. He's glad Green is here, but feels slightly guilty on putting all of this on him. Red opens the door to the bedroom and looks around the space. If feels big enough for a bed and some other smaller pieces of furniture. He feels stupid. What is he supposed to be checking for? Odd cracks in the wall? Problems with the flooring?

Red tries to do his due diligence, scanning the light tan carpeting for stains or holes. He examines the window, opens it, closes it, and nods to himself as he finds it in working order. He opens the closet door and looks around, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. A sound comes from the next room over. The bathroom. Red can distinctly hear Pikachu squeaking and making some noise that sounds suspiciously like laughter. He wastes no time in closing the bedroom door and opening the one leading to the bathroom.

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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