chapter 13

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"My dad, or should I say our dad is one of the biggest buisnessmen, Mr John rojanapat with the best reputation a person can humanly possess, the most loving father and the best husband out there, the sweetest, the kindest and the most humble human, I wouldn't say I don't love him, I clearly do but then again I regret it" arthit began, his voice slowly dimming with each word

Kongpob placed his hand over arthits, holding it with a firm grip, telling him that it was okay and he would understand anything and everything

"Aunt Suruchi was his mistress, a woman he never married, he had been caught by my mother, he was having an extra marital affair and it broke my mom, she wanted to divorce him and give him the punishment he deserved, but she couldn't, because of me, she knew she wouldn't be able to give me the best life if she went on a separate path and so she found another way to calm her burning heart" arthit stopped, staring at the grass, wanting to ignore the flashes in his mind

He hated this, he never likes to relive these memories but he also knew it was necessary for kongpob to know, he couldn't hide this for mucg long anyways

"Aunt Suruchi was pregnant with type when my mom found out, I was just a year and half old, the fresh mother in her heart didn't let her kill the kid and so she let type out in the world, only to kill him a little everyday afterwards" arthit said, glancing at kongpob from the corner of his eyes

Kongpob had his hand over his mouth and his eyes slightly watering, arthit knew kongpob was feeling bad, arthit himself, felt terrible

"They hit him, my dad tortured aunt Suruchi, my mum hit type, he was barely six, I wasn't allowed to talk to him, I was told that I'm superior, that he didn't deserve to look at me and I believed it kong, I made him feel worse, I threw my old, dirty clothes at him, telling him to accept it gratefully, I kicked him whenever I passed the tiny room he lived in, I ordered aunt Suruchi as if she was a maid just to hurt him, I was terrible" arthit mumbled, his voice breaking

Kongpobs grip on arthits hand suddenly loosened and arthit let go of his hand completely, he knew the other would need time to cope up with all of this

"He was nearly twelve when aunt Suruchi ran away with him, later we found out that she had married another man, his name was Sam, my dad was happy she left but my mother was yet disappointed, as if she wasn't done and my father had no will of his own, he couldn't afford to loose me, my mum threatened him, she told him she would take me and leave if my dad didn't do as she wished and so he did" arthit continued

"Now? Is type okay now?" Kongpob whispered, not very much trusting his voice

"I don't know, it's restricted to even talk about them in our house, we behave as if they never existed" arthit mumbled, not yet meeting kongpob in the eyes

"It got worse" Type's voice wavered a little

Kongpob and arthit turned around to find type standing just a few steps away, his hands tucked in his pockets, like his very usual self

"I was twelve when mom took me out of there, and I was seventeen when mom got married to the new bastard, it's crazy how the men around her, all her life, were only bastards. Sam, he works on Mr rojanapat's orders, why won't he? He needs it all, power and money, Mr rojanapat informs him when I create chaos or when I get in the way of arthit, Sam hits my mother, yells at me and forces me to stay in my room for days with nothing to eat, he never got the chance to feel okay" type explained

Kongpob now had types hand between his tiny ones as he tried his very best to not let his sobs out, he didn't want to sound weak, he felt terrible, how did the both of them grow up in completely different environments and yet as miserable as the other?

Arthit glanced at their hands, he wasn't okay, and he didn't want to pretend to be either, he looked up at type who stared down at kongpob with nothing but pure adoration in his eyes, what if his love was better?

What if type really needed kongpob to survive? What if kongpob was his only hope? His first and last?

But then again

"I'm afraid, nothing could ever make me choose anyone but you"

I purple you 💜

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