chapter 6

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"One question, why would type go along with arthit and his friends on a trip?" Tine asked tapping his feet on the ground in anticipation

"They are coming by themselves, it's just that when we reach there, we are all going to be present.. " kongpob replied

"I hope its not one of his plans, you never know what type can be up to" tine warned

Kongpob nodded with a sigh, that was something he had figured out by now, but why him? He had such a simple life back in Thailand and look at him now, all messed up

"Oh is it them?" Tine asked, pointing at mini van approaching them

"Looks like, not as if I go around with them everyday" kongpob replied

The van stopped in front of them, sure enough it was them, bright waved at them asking them to settle inside which they immediately obeyed to

"Hey tine, it's the first time I'm seeing you in person" knot greeted

Tine responded with a smile, although they were all in the same year and mostly the same classes, they rarely hung out with other people

Arthit smiled at kongpob and the latter flashed the same smile back, feeling more than comfortable with everyone present there, something about knowing that arthit was present too made it better

The sun was shining bright with cool breeze blowing as the group stepped out of their car, whistling, chatting and laughing as they approached the beach only to stop in their tracks minutes later

There they stood, type and sarawat, waving at the group with a sly smirk on their face, greeting them with nothing but warnings clearly written on their face

"Hey there pretty one" type winked at kongpob, who immediately blushed a deep shade of red

"He has a name" arthit replied

"You denied to let me know what it is, you said it isn't my buisness" type said, shrugging his shoulders

"It's kongpob, call him that" arthit replied through gritted teeth

"Okay then, kongpob, hey" type said, turning to face kongpob

"Hey.." kongpob replied with a slight wave

"Looks like we are gonna have fun" type said, clicking his tongue in his cheek as he walked away with sarawat following behind

"So, you are from Thailand?" Arthit asked taking slow steps

"Yea, I came here just a few weeks ago" kongpob replied, walking along with him

"I would say that I'm half Thai too, but it's complicated, my mum is from Thailand and my dad is Australian" arthit replied

"That surely makes you half Thai, have you ever visited Thailand?" Kongpob asked curiously

"Once, when I was thirteen or fourteen" arthit replied, his eyes fixed on the others expressions

"You must remember the visit then, which city did you stay in?" Kongpob asked, very interested in the ongoing topic

"Oh I stayed in Bangkok" arthit replied, holding back his smile, he couldn't help but adore the others expressions

"That's where I lived! It's a great place, I love my school and college there and I really miss my best friend too" kongpob said, a small pout forming on his lips as his head hung low

Arthit stared at him or his lips to be specific, he didn't know what were the sudden feelings bubbling up in him, he wanted to kiss it away, his thoughts freaked him out

What are you even thinking? Arhit scolded himself

The beach walk turned into a silent one, both kongpob and arthit walked in a peaceful silence until someone specific broke it into pieces

"Pretty one, why don't we go play in the water?" Type asked, his hands tucked in the pockets of his jeans

"What are you? Five?" Arthit asked back

"Oh yes! I want to" kongpob replied, his eyes shining with excitement

"What are you? Ninety five?" Type mocked at arthit

Holding out his hand, type pulled kongpob towards the water while arthit glared at him, watching them leave, knowing there was nothing he could do

"Feels bad, doesn't it? Watching your first love leave with your enemy?" Tutah asked, eyeing arthit

Arthit had partially nodded when the words settled in his brain and his eyes widened

"Shut up" He groaned as he marched off towards the rest of the group

Kongpob did nothing bit splash water all around, the thing alone seemed to bringing him immense happiness, he missed the pataya beach in Thailand, this made him feel better, it made him feel at home

"Looks like you really love beaches" type chuckled

"I do, back in Thailand, me and aim would go to the beach every weekend" kongpob replied

"Aim?" Type asked, raising an eyebrow

"He is my best friend since I practically opened my eyes, we were neighbours" kongpob replied

Type nodded in understanding, he felt weird inside, the weird feeling when kongpob mentioned someone else's name, the same weird feeling when he saw him walking along the water with arthit, it was weird

"Aren't you gonna swim or something?" Kongpob asked, ready to go in for a quick swim

"Nah, I'm fine" type replied, his mind heavy with thoughts

Kongpob shrugged his shoulders before getting in deeper

"Be careful there!" Type yelled

But why do I care? Type asked himself

Arthit watched the two of them from a distance, his hands folded against his chest as the rest of the group chatted around, sarawat who seemed to be as bad as type, actually wasn't and was getting along

Arthit stood there all alone, with a frown on his face, a weird sensation in his stomach as he saw kongpob laugh at something type said, when he suddenly wondered

But why do I care? Arthit asked himself

I purple you 💜

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