chapter 2

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Kongpob tightened his grip around the strap of his bags as he made his way to the college, it was just the second day and he already wanted to give up

His mind was clouded with thoughts, what if he messed up today? What if someone picked on him today? He wouldn't even be able to tell his family, it would upset them

He sighed, wanting to get rid of the thoughts, he made a mental note to call his best friend at some time of the day or maybe in the lunch break, he needed his lame jokes

Kongpob had a faint smile on his face at the thought of his best friend, but focusing on how great his luck lately has been, the smile didn't stay long

Kongpob tripped over his own leg and met the ground, his knee was scraped, he could feel it bleed under his jeans and his hands were scratched too

As if it was not enough, the people surrounding him roared with laughter, kongpob felt his eyes brimming with tears, he hated how sensitive he was, but that's how he had been since forever, he couldn't bring himself to change it

He slowly gathered up his courage and stood up, his knee hurt, it seemed severe, he pulled his bag over his shoulder again, deciding to head back home when a familiar voice called out his name

"Kongpob!" Arthits voice echoed through the huge crowd of students gathered

And now, kongpob wanted to dissappear, he didn't want arthit to see him like this, a crying mess

Arthit jogged up to him, panting slightly as he pulled kongpobs bag off his shoulder and swung it around his own

"Are you okay?" Arthit asked, looking up at the other with wide eyes

Kongpob slowly and hesitantly nodded

"Let me take you to the nursing room" arthit suggested

Anywhere is fine until I'm away from these eyes kongpob thought to himself

Nodding at arthit wordlessly yet again, he was about to follow the other, when another voice interrupted their actions

"Looks like our popular boy got his new toy"

Kongpob noticed how arthits body stiffened, his hands closed into fists and he could see his muscles tightening all up to his sleeve

Kongpob turned around and immediately regretted

Was this college full of demons with heavenly looks?

Kongpobs brown eyes met those blue ones and in a second he knew where Taylor swift had got her inspiration for the song 'gorgeous'

This man surely was nothing but, gorgeous

"What is it that you want Type?" Arthit asked, as he stood in front of kongpob, blocking his view

Kongpob moved a few steps to his right to get a look of the other male, type, as arthit just called him

Type glanced at kongpob with a lazy smirk over his lips, before shifting his eyes at arthit, who stared into his soul with nothing but anger

"Oh dont be so eager, i will tell you that too, pretty soon" type replied in a sing song voice

Arthit hated it and that was exactly why he did it

Arthig glared at him for a second or two before grabbing kongpobs had and turning away, ready to walk off

"What's your name pretty one?" Type yelled

"None of your buisness" arthit yelled back

"Will be, soon enough" type replied, winking at the duo

Kongpob quietly followed arthit all the way to the nursing room, arthit was still in a terrible mood when the nurse was checking kongpobs wound

"He's fine, just be careful when you walk and maybe a day's rest is all you need" the nurse informed with a polite smile

"Thank you" kongpob replied, passing her the very same smile

Arthit helped kongpob get off the bed as their made their way to the canteen

"You want to go back home?" Arthit asked softly

"Yea, I will go back by myself, you don't have to worry, thank you for all of it though" kongpob replied

"It's no big deal, I know how awkward it can get in new places, I just wanted you to be comfortable enough to survive" arthit reasoned out

Kongpob replied with a simple oh, he was too crowded in his head to form any other full sentence to reply with

Arthit looked at him, as if he wanted to tell him something and kongpob wasn't sure if he was supposed to wait for him, but arthit had cleared it out first and spoke up

"That guy, type, I'm not trying to control you or something, heck, who am I to? But it's just a friendly advise, he isn't a good company" arthit said

Guessed so already arthit, guessed so kongpob thought

"Yea, will keep that in mind" kongpob replied with a small nod

Arthit smiled at him before making his way to his class, leaving kongpob behind with all his thoughts

"Am I that bad? For him to warn you like that?" Type's voice whispered in Kongpob's ear

Kongpob jerked away, his eyes wide in surprise to see type smiling down at him with the very same smirk on his lips

"You aren't going to obey him, are you? Just because I failed at the first impression doesn't mean I'm bad, you don't know him either, kongpob" type reasoned out

Something about the way type said his name made his body tingle, it was weird, but he liked it

"Give me a chance maybe?" Type mumbled

Kongpob couldn't help but nod at him, he was mesmerized, Taylor swift was right

You are so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face
'Cause look at your face
You are gorgeous!

I purple you 💜

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