Chapter 16

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After dinner, I decide to call Lucius through the Floo to discover if the Dark Lord is still in his Manor.

Lucius: Severus? Why did you call me?

He asks after the Floo connects the call.

Severus: I wanted to know if the Dark Lord is still in your Manor?

Lucius: Uhm, no. He decided to leave this morning, though he didn't say where he was going. He said that it would be better to go into hiding while searching for ways to free the Death Eaters from Azkaban.

I let the information process and before I can ask anything more, Lucius talks again.

Lucius: Why did you want to know? Do you have to tell him something?

Severus: No, I have to tell you and Narcissa something, but it must be a secret from the Dark Lord.

Lucius: Okay, you can pass by the Floo, I will go and get Narcissa.

After that, I Floo to Malloy Manor and wait in the waiting room for Lucius to return with his wife.

Some minutes later, the two Malfoys appear in the waiting room.

Lucius: So, why did you want to tell us Severus?

Severus: It has come to my attention that the Dark Lord made Horrocrux.

Hearing this, both Malfoys started to look sick, but before any of them could say anything more, Severus continued.

Severus: And not only one, but 7. From what I know that diary that you gave to the youngest Weasley was one of them.

With this, the Malfoy matriarch broke down.

Narcissa: What do we do? We had one of those horrible things near Draco for a decade.

Lucius: I don't know dear, but at least it was destroyed. Severus, what can we do now? We can't follow the Dark Lord anymore, especially having him in our house.

Severus: Well, you can continue to be a Death Eater and spy the Dark Lord or you can defect as I did and go into hiding.

Lucius: You defected? How?

At this, I lift the sleeve of my left arm to show them my now bare arm to the shocked faces of the two Malfoys.

Severus: Potter took it off.

Narcissa: I thought he hated you?

Severus: He was feed with potions to hate me and also to hate you and your son.

The two Malfoys were very confused at this statement, so I decided to explain everything that Potter told me, except about Lily being a Black and that Regulus is alive and dating Potter.

Severus: So, what will you do?

I ask after I end the explanation.

Lucius looks at Narcissa and then nods.

Lucius: If Potter can take my mark off I will defect, but we will need somewhere to hide, especially if we can't trust Dumbledore too.

Severus: You can go to Grimmauld Place, Black will hide you and in there the Dark Lord won't be able to find you. Also, Narcissa, you will have a surprise in there.

Narcissa looked intrigued at the last statement, but she let it go to look at her husband and to talk with him quietly about this.

After some time of whispered words between the two, they turned to look at me.

Lucius: We will take some things with us and then we will go to Grimmauld tonight.

Severus: Okay, I will go with you too.

Time Skip

After an hour or two, Narcissa and Lucius had already packed some of their things and Draco's and were ready to leave.

We then take the Floo to Grimmauld Place.

When I arrive at the waiting room of the Black House, I wait for Narcissa and Lucius to come out too or for one of the residents of the house to appear.

As it seems, Lucius and Narcissa came out first, and a bit later Black, Sirius, and Lupin appear in the waiting room.

Sirius: Why are they here?

He asks me while pointing at his cousin and her husband.

Severus: I told them about the Horrocrux, because I knew that if they knew that they would want to leave the Dark Lord and now they need somewhere to stay.

Then, I see the older Black sighing and then he nods.

Sirius: Okay, but Malfoy will have to get his Mark off and you will not be able to leave your rooms when the Order is here.

Narcissa: Thanks cousin. And, Severus, you said that I will have a surprise for me here?

Sirius and Lupin look at me, as if wanting to know if I meant Regulus, so I nod at them and then the older Black leaves, probably to get his brother.

Severus: You will have to wait, why don't we go to the living room?

With that, Lupin leaves to the dining room with the Malfoys and me following.

In there, we sit waiting for the two Black brothers, even if the Malfoys don't know about that.

Some minutes later, I see Sirius return with his younger brother in tow, and I know that I had already seen him in the mirror, but it was surprising how he looked the same as when he disappeared and died.

I hear a gasp behind me and immediately I know that Narcissa and Lucius have recognized him as well.

Narcissa: Reg?

Regulus: Hi Cissy.

Lucius: You? How?

Regulus: We don't know, we suppose that it was some kind of time travel, but we don't know how or why it happened.

Narcissa: Since when are you here?

Regulus: I have been in this year since a month ago.

Narcissa: What happened to you?

Regulus: Sirius told me that Severus told you about the Horrocrux?

The two Malfoys nod, with Lucius already knowing where this was going.

Regulus: I supposedly dying while getting one of them.

Narcissa: Oh, Reg.

With that, Narcissa stands up and goes to hug her younger cousin.

Regulus: I'm okay now.

The older Black scoffs and then talks.

Sirius: More than okay I would say.

Narcissa, then looks at Regulus questioning why her other cousin was saying this.

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