Chapter 11

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We arrive at the Chamber and start to look for some kind of room, until I decided to look inside of where the Basilisk lived. There I found two doors, one leads to a bedroom, probably where Slytherin stayed when he had to do things down in here, and a study with lots of books.

After finding the study, I return to the main room of the Chamber to let Nev know that I have found what we are looking for.

Harry: Nev, I think I have found it. There is a bedroom and a study with lots of books in there.

Neville: Okay, let's go and see.

I lead Nev back to the study and we start to check the books.

Neville: Um, Harry?

I look at Nev and see him holding a book.

Harry: Yeah?

Neville: I don't think I can read any of these books.

Harry: Uh, what do you mean?

I look at the book and see that's a journal of Salazar Slytherin about potions. I think that all of the books here are journals of Slytherin about different things because the books that I was checking earlier were journals too.

Harry: It's because it's about potions, because I think that I saw one about herbology.

Neville: No, it's because I can't read it, the books are in another language.

Harry: Uh, what are you talking about? I have read the covers of the books and all of them are in English.

Neville: First of all, if it were in English it will be in the Ancient one, and then, I think that maybe you can read it because it's in Parsel.

I look back at the book and try to concentrate at the words and see them go to some strange pattern, but for some kind of reason I still can read it.

Harry: I think you're right; I will have to translate it for you then.

Neville: Uh?

Harry: I wanted my friends to be able to use these journals, but if they are in Parsel I will have to translate it.

Neville: It's okay, you don't have to.

Harry: No, I will, because I want to help you and I want my friends to be able to read it.

Neville: Okay, well take some of them now, I think it's time for dinner and we don't wanna be late, right?

Harry: Right, I think I should take one of Potions, one of Charms, one of Herbology, and this one about his life before Hogwarts.

I take the books and put them in the bag that I use for the classes.

Harry: Okay, let's go now.

With that said, we leave the chamber carefully looking that there is nobody that can see us and we make our way to the Great Hall to have dinner.

Hermione: Hey, Harry, come sit with us.

I look at Nev and he nods so we go to the Gryffindor table and sit with the two traitors.

Hermione: Where have you been?

Harry: Nev had something to show me.

Hermione: About what?

Neville: It was about something that happened this summer.

Hermione: Oh, okay. Talking about summers, this one we have been able to be with Harry for the last month, but do you believe that he was always avoiding us or something?!

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