Chapter 10

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After, maybe 10 minutes of talking between ourselves, students finally start to enter, with Granger being the first one and immediately snatch the right seat of Neville.

Hermione: Harry, why would you sit with Neville? Now, where will Ron sit?

Harry: Can't I sit with a friend of mine?

Hermione: Well, of course you can, but we always sit together.

Harry: This year I want to do things a little different and one of them is that I want to sit with my other friends. Can you understand?

Hermione: I- I- okay.

After that, we sit waiting for about 1 or 2 minutes until Umbitch arrives.

Umbridge: Welcome, for now all you have to know is that this year in Defense Against the Dark Arts we will not be doing something so foolish as practice it. We will only be doing the theorical class, so take out of your desks anything that isn't the book of the class.

With that said everyone starts to protest receiving nasty looks from the toad, so I decide to step up and I raise my hand.

Umbridge: Yes, Mr. Potter? Do you have something to say?

I will knock out that smirking face that you're carrying.

Harry: Yes, in fact, I do. Why won't we do the practice lessons?

Umbridge: Why do you ask? Will you say another one of your lies about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back?

Harry: No, I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the practice lessons of the DADA that are a necessity.

Umbridge: And why, Mr. Potter, do you think are a necessity?

Harry: Well, for starters this year we have the OWL's and there is a practice exam too.

Hermione: That's true professor, are you trying to make us fail?

Umbridge: How dare you think of that! I would like you to know that I work in the Ministry so I know that you won't need to know much for the practice exam, with what you studied the last years should be enough.

Harry: But what about the people that want to be Aurors in the future they need to know the practice about what we learn this next years and not only that but you need a good qualification in the OWL's and NEWT's DADA. And not only that, but even if Voldemort hasn't returned there are still Death Eaters going around that could attack us in any moment, wouldn't we need to know some of the curses in the DADA to be able to protect ourselves?

Neville: Harry is right, are you trying to get us killed because we don't know to put in practice what we have studied here?

At this, a lot more of students started to voice their complaints about how the toad wants us to die because of not letting us practice the curses that we will see in class.

Umbridge: Enough! Okay, because of your worried assumptions, I will be doing one practice lesson a month, but only one.

That said, everyone started to celebrate, but before anyone could continue to talk, Umbitch talked again.

Umbridge: Ah, and Mr. Potter you will have detention with me for talking back at a teacher and a figure of the Ministry.

Harry: Okay, Ms. Umbridge.

With that I sat in my seat and the pink toad started to teach the lesson while being remarkably angry, I smirked.

That's one point for me and zero for her.


After DADA, we had potions and two hours of torture later we finally had lunch.

Neville: How did you do with Snape?

He started talking after taking our seats at the Great Hall.

Harry: Horrible, I got better in potions this summer because of Reg, but it seems that Snape is always targeting and I can do it well because of it.

Neville: I understand you, this summer I practiced a lot of potions but in front of Snape I do it all wrong.

Ron: I think is because of his terrific aura.

Where did he come from? I hadn't seen him all day, guess I will have to pretend to worry and care about him.

Harry: Yeah, I agree. But this aside, where were you? I hadn't seen you at all today?

Ron: I suppose that that's because you were sitting with other people instead of your friends.

I narrowed my eyes. What does he mean? Neville is also my friend. Ah, it's because he is not being paid for being it and he doesn't report to Dumbledore about all of my doings.

Harry: Neville is also my friend so I don't think nothing was wrong.

Ron: Ugh! Anyway, why didn't you tell that You-Know-Who is back in the DADA class?

Harry: Why should I? Umbridge will not believe me and I'm sure she would have made me look like a fool, and for sure we wouldn't have the practice lessons we will do.

Ron: But, if you don't say anything, less and less people will believe in what Dumbledore says.

Harry: Well, I think that if Dumbledore didn't want to seem like a fool in the public opinion he should have acted behind the curtains, so that anybody from the Ministry would have come here to control him.

I give him a pointed look and see that he has resigned himself.

Harry: Now, if you excuse us. Neville wanted to show me something he made at the summer, so we will leave.

I grab Neville's hand and take him out of the Great Hall.

Neville: Where do you want to go?

Harry: We don't have classes this afternoon, so why not go to Chamber? I want to look if Slytherin left something there.

Neville: That's a great idea, I read that Slytherin was one of the most brilliant wizards of his time, so whatever he left there must be good.

Harry: Yeah, that's also what I thought, I only wish that whatever that is there is in a language that we understand.

Neville: Uh, I forgot about that.

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