Chapter 15

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POV Harry:

After having said that, I see Snape shocked and without words, so I wait a little for him to recover.

Snape: But... But that is impossible...!

Harry: I know that is thought to be impossible, but I think that with my Parseltongue I can take it off.

Snape: That... That could work. Did you try it with someone else?

At this I raise an eyebrow, because does he really think that I could meet a Death eater without him trying to kill me?

Well, yes, I met Regulus, but I do not think I can call him a Death eater when he betrayed Voldemort and he does not even have the Dark Mark anymore.

Snape: Of course, you have not tried with anyone else. I forgot.

Harry: Yes, and I do not think that any Death eater would volunteer to take their mark off.

Snape nods.

Harry: So, would you like to try it?

Snape: Yes, I was only being a spy for Dumbledore, because of that promise that I told you, but seeing as Dumbledore has been doing you more damage than him, I will stop.

It makes sense, that promise that he made to himself was to protect me, seeing as he was a good friend of mom, so he probably thought that Dumbledore would be the best to protect me, but in the end, he made more damage than Voldemort himself. And Snape to protect me was probably forced by Dumbledore to become a spy in Voldemort's side.

While thinking about this, Snape rolls his sleeve up and lets me see the Dark Mark, I approach it and look at the snake, I then, decide to do something a bit dumb.

Harry: Disappear.

I tell the snake of the Dark Mark to disappear thinking that it will not work, but as it seems, it did work. The snake starts to move out of Snape's arm and then it disappears into nothing.

Meanwhile, Snape and I look dumbfounded at the spot where the Dark Mark had been. Snape probably not believing that it had worked and me not believing that it was that easy.

Snape: What did you say to make it disappear?

Snape asks after a minute or two of silence.

Harry: I only told the snake to disappear.

Snape: I think it makes sense.

I look at him questioningly, because how does it make sense, and he continues to explain.

Snape: Voldemort is extremely arrogant, so he probably wouldn't think that another person who talks Parseltongue would appear, that's why it was so easy to get rid of it.

Harry: I guess it makes sense.

Snape: Now, that the Dark Mark is out of the way, what was the other thing that you wanted to tell me?

POV Snape:

After Potter, or well Harrison, takes my mark off, I ask him about the other thing.

Could it be about who was the person that told him about the inheritance? But wouldn't that be Black or Lupin?

Harry: Well, it's about the person that told me about the inheritance test...

So, I was right, it is about that person.

Snape: Wasn't it Black or Lupin?

Harry: No, well, yes. It was a Black, but it was not Sirius.

A Black who is not Sirius Black, could it be the portrait of Walburga Black, she isn't fond of half-bloods or muggleborns, but maybe she knew about Harrison being a Black pureblood.

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