Chapter 9

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A/N: I'm really sorry about not updating before, it's just that I had a lot of exams and my parents took my phone.

After talking a little bit more to get to know us, I let the others go to explore the chamber, while I started thinking about what will we do about Dumb-ass-door and the traitors.

For now, I think that I will pretend to still be their little puppet, while we start destroying their plans.

Neville: Hey Harry.

I look to the right and see him looking at me, confused.

Harry: Hmm?

Neville: What were you thinking?

Harry: I was thinking about destroying the plan of the traitors while making them think that everything is going well.

Neville: Oh, if you need help you can count with me.

Others: With us too.

I look behind me and see the twins, Luna and the Slytherins all watching me with smiles in their faces.

Harry: I'm glad and I know that you will always have my back while I'll always have yours.

I stand from where I was sitting and make my way towards the door.

Harry: Now, let's go before anyone notices our absence. We still have to eat dinner and go to bed. Tomorrow start the classes and our plan.

I say with a smirk that every one of them imitates.

2nd September – Grimmauld Place, 12 –

POV Regulus:

I'm eating breakfast when suddenly Harry's snow owl enters in my room with a letter. I immediately snatch the letter and give Hedwig some of my beacon for her to eat.

Dear Regulus,

I would like to say that I wasn't expecting that letter, but I really expected that you will tell me something.

And for my answer, I would love to be your boyfriend, Reg.

Also, I will like to know how are we gonna make this work while I'm at Hogwarts.


Lord Harrison James Potter Black

YES! He said yes, I think that now I'm the happiest man alive.

Suddenly the door snaps open and I see my brother and the wolf in the frame looking worried.

Sirius: Reg? Are you okay?

Regulus: Yes? Why wouldn't I be?

Remus: You suddenly shouted and we thought that something had happened to you.

Regulus: Oh, sorry. I thought that it was an internal shout.

I smiled a little looking apologetic and they returned the smile.

Remus: It's okay, just try not to shout next time.

I nod and then Sirius turns to me with a questioning face.

Sirius: Why did you shout though?

Regulus: I- Well... I sent a letter to Harry asking him out and I just received his reply.

Sirius: You asked out Harry by letter? I thought that you were already dating?

Regulus: Well... I was afraid that he didn't return my feelings, but then he was going to go to Hogwarts and I wanted to officialize our relationship.

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