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It's been a few days since Valentine's day. Mindy was still stunned to find that the rose, the bracelet, and the card was real. After getting over the initial shock, Mindy felt somewhat creeped out for a bit. Then the logical part of her brain started coming up with who it could've been. It might be Jimin, but then why would he leave another gift at her house? It could be Jin, the fucking perv might be capable of that. Maybe he dug out his gift from the trash and put it in her room, although she didn't think he knew where she lived. But it all didn't explain the card.

The card was the weird part to Mindy. It said secret admirer, so it couldn't be Jin. He made it pretty clear to her that he was interested. The gifts can be easily explained. It could be from a number of the men in her life. Maybe Namjoon wanted to give her something too. Maybe it was Jimin after all. Maybe it was even Jungkook, who was too shy to give anything to her directly. He did wish her a happy Valentine's day on her way out of work. It might be Hoseok, who also knew where she lived.

"Hello~ Earth to Mindy?" Minnie said, waving her hand on front of her face. Mindy shook her head and focused back on Minnie, seeing the smaller female smile at her. "You okay? I kinda lost you there."

"O-oh... Sorry. I just..." Mindy frowned, wondering if she should tell Minnie about the Valentine's day gifts. She did suspect Jin though... "I-I think someone likes me." She says eventually. Mindy pulled her sleeve up to show Minnie the bracelet. "I found this and a Valentine's card on my window sill on Valentine's day."

Minnie admired the bracelet, letting out a sound of awe. "It's so pretty. What did the note say?" She asked, gently holding Mindy's hand.

Mindy began to recite the note, frowning softly when she finished. "I don't really know who's admiring me though."

Minnie simply giggled softly, rubbing her knuckles. "Don't think too deeply about it Mindy. Didn't you say that Jungkook lives across from you? Maybe it's him. He is a shy little bean, so I can see why he wouldn't give you the gifts personally."

Mindy shrugged, looking around the cafe that they were at. It was a Wednesday, and her classes were small. Only about three classes. She didn't have work today, so she and Taehyung was gonna meet up in the cafe before heading to his place. Minnie decided to join her while she waited for Taehyung. "I'm not really worried. I think it's cute. At the time, I was a bit creeped out, but now... I'm curious is all."

"Plus it is only one note. You haven't gotten anything else?" Minnie asked, sipping at her coffee.

"No. It might be my dad. He didn't get me any Valentine's day gift since high school. Maybe he wanted to restart it again." But that still doesn't explain the note. "Oh... Seokjin said that you were okay with him giving me a Valentine's day gift. What was the gift he was supposed to give me? I kinda misplaced it." Mindy lied, tilting her head at Minnie.

Minnie nodded, smiling dreamily. "Yeah... He's so sweet. I think his gift to you was a necklace. I'm not really sure. I knew it was in a long and thin box. He got me new earrings." Minnie said, proudly displaying the set of earrings.

Mindy smiled at how lovestruck her friend was. It was both cute, cringy, and stupid looking to Mindy. Of course, Mindy wanted her friend to be happy. But the fact that her happiness was based off of being with Seokjin, who clearly has his eyes wandering everywhere else, made Mindy upset. And the fact that Seokjin has basically brainwashed Minnie into thinking his actions towards Mindy were purely in a platonic way... Mindy shook her head to get those thoughts away. Anymore thinking about Seokjin, and she'll probably break a coffee mug and scream.

"Those earrings are very pretty." Mindy said, gently poking Minnie's ear.

"I was hoping he'd propose already." Minnie said, pouting slightly. "The earrings are nice and all... But I want that ring. We've been dating for almost 8 years straight. I wanna have our wedding before he enlists."

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