" Would you like a tour of the Kingdom's capital?" Claire said after pondering on it for a while.

Maya paused, carefully considering it. She'd never been outside of the palace after all. It wouldn't hurt to go now. "Okay, I give my permission. " She said finally. " Make the preparations."

" Yes, Your Majesty." Claire replied. She promptly left her chambers, leaving Olivia to finish dressing her up. She arrived a while later, saying the prepations were already complete.

Wanting to be inconspicuous, she carried along with her a cloak. She left with only her handmaids and a guard that had been assigned to her. Maya had a fleeting thought to inform Dexter about it, so she sent Olivia to deliver the message.

On her way to the king's chambers however, someone stopped her. It was Agatha, the assistant head maid.

" Where are you going?" She asked, her voice authoritative. She was much older than Olivia so she was forced to stop.

" Oh, I just want to deliver a message to the King." Olivia replied, trying to pass her by.

Agatha narrowed her eyes, shaking her head. " Well the King is busy and he wouldn't like to be disturbed. He's in a meeting. What is the message about, I would inform him myself."

Olivia hesitated a bit, then muttered. " It's from the queen. She would be going on a tour of the capital and would like to let the King know about it."

" Well, you go ahead now. I'll make sure to deliver it to the king."

" Okay. Thanks!" Olivia said before skipping away. Agatha watched her leave, a corner of her lips turned up. She continued on her journey, completely ignoring the king's chambers.


Fleurie watched as the carriage departed from the castle grounds, a cup of tea in her hands. Agatha was in her room. Just like Lisa, Agatha also helped her around in the castle. She was the one who gave her the order to stop Olivia from informing the King of the queen's outing.

" Where is she going?" She asked her, still staring out the window.

" She's having a tour of the capital, your highness." Agatha replied, her gaze on the ground.

" Did you stop her from delivering the message to the king?"

" Yes, your highness. I stopped the maid who was going to deliver the message."

Fleurie raised a brow, pursing her lips. The king doesn't know of this, good. " She would be around people?"

" Yes, your highness." Agatha replied.

Perfect, just what she needs. Fleurie walked away fr her window, going towards the large ooam table that stood between the room. She picked up a letter from the table and gave to to Lisa. " Deliver this to the address written on the letter. Make sure no one else knows about this."

" Yes, your highness" Agatha replied before leaving the room, closing the door behind her. Fleurie settled on chair, taking a sip of her tea. Her lips curled up to a smile.

Great, now her plan will be set in motion.
The tour turned to be what Maya needed. As the journey progressed, Maya found herself getting less agitated, lost in the sights and sounds of the capital. There were so many people roaming the roads, Commoners and noble alike. She even spotted a different race.

Merchant and vendors lined up the streets, advertising their wares. Scents wafted through the air, feeling her with delight. Everywhere seemed to be bustling with life.

The capital was a magnificent place, the houses were much bigger and they radiated wealth and affluence.

" I didn't expect it to be so big... And busy too." Maya muttered as she looked through her window. Olivia heard her and a smile grew on her face.

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