Chapter Four

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Night Mares Part Two

  I wake up the next morning refreshed, the early shower making my skin sensitive to the cold room. I breathed heavily as my towel was tight around my chest, everyone else in the room was still sleeping. I leaned down, my feet moving in a more comfortable position on the floor. 

  With the small strength I had I pulled out my wardrobe trunk and pushed it upright, then unbuckled it. I picked out a pair of jeans and a nice coral sweater, glancing around me before I quickly got dressed without anyone noticing, well I hoped

  When I finished I closed the trunk and slid it back underneath the bed, besides Clarkes. I then sat on the bottom bunk, looking around me. My head, just like the last three days, has been swirling. It hurt, I was thinking too much. But that didn't matter, I wanted answers. 

  I didn't know where to get them, or how but I hopefully would soon. The pressed in every inch of my skull. I had analyzed every detail that has been given to me by Jasper and Monty, or what my night mares had showed me. I knew there was something else to it, they weren't just nightmares, they were memories. But they were sick and twisted, as if they were placed in such a way to hurt me both physically and emotionally. 

  I shot up from bed, almost hitting my head on the top bunk frame. Something had crossed my mind, someone who I could might get answers from. Dr. Tsing. She was the one who seemed slightly agitative when she was explaining for my amnesia. I checked the time on the clock wall, seeing that I had at least two hours until breakfast, which was at nine o'clock. 

  I quickly snuck out of the room and walked through the halls, the map of Mount Weather tight in my grasp. As I reached the stairwell I unfolded the map, checking which floor Dr. Tsing would be. I didn't know where her quarters would be, but hopefully she would be in her office or the medical bay. 

  My finger traced the map until it paused on the second floor, one of the closer floors to the ground. I was on level six, I think, which meant I had to climb a lot of stairs since I did not have a keycard for the elevator. Groaning, I folded the map back together and stuffed it in my back jean pocket. I began to climb the stairs. 

  I leaned over, clutching the wall, out of breath. My ankle, better but not completely healed, stung. I rolled it over a few times, the pain subsided but wavered lightly. Just down the hall was Dr. Tsing's office, my lips lifted into a smile as I saw the light on. 

  I walked quickly down the hall, towards the only door in the hall. Looking behind me I could see there was a another door at the end of the hall, and then the elevator doors. It was a wasted space, my opinion. But that also meant that there was something behind these walls, something big. Furrowing my eyebrows I walked towards Dr. Tsing's office. 

  Before I knocked on the door there was loud yelling, something smashing. My breath hitched in my throat as I approached the door, looking through the long window cut out in the side of the steel door. 

"There are going to find what going on! Especially Clarke. " It was a mans voice, I could see him through the glass pane. 

  He was tall, slicked back brown hair and a grey suit, he must be semi important. I clenched my jaw as I went on my tiptoes to see more of the room, curse my shortness. There she was, Dr. Tsing, holding a file in her hands and wearing a concerned, scared face. 

  "They won't, none of them will. They are just children, stupid and obeying. Don't worry, Cage." Her voice was calm, yet her face showed otherwise. 

  "Does Clarke seem stupid or obeying? How do you think they survived out there?" The man, Cage, said. I could see him holding the desk tightly, behind it stood the doctor. 

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