Do not disturb

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Dust woke up in a cold sweat,sitting straight up the moment he opened his sockets.Breathing erratically and panicked eye lights wavering too and frow. He clutched his chest-his fist clutching the fabric in his hands. He tilted his head down,he was perfectly fine-no gaping hole in his chest to be seen. Only a clean white sweater and his familiar faded jacket.

What the hell?

"are...are you-umm ok?" A meek raspy voice rumbled from beside him. Almost inaudible if not for dust having a keen sense of hearing.

Dust tilted his head to the side-horror staring at him. The other seemed to sweat under dust's gaze-nervously fidgeting around and his smile widening. Horror folded his hands in his lap and focused his gaze down.

"Umm-i was passing down..the hall..heard struggling." Horror paused for a minute,squinting his sockets trying to organize his thoughts. He looked up and almost immediately diverted his eyelights to the side.

Dust of course noticed this strange sense of fear-confusion clouding his thoughts. Dust was very confused,extremely-had it all been a Nightmare? And why was horror here? What the hell was going on. He didn't like this one bit.

" were in trouble..heh-came to help but were having a terror.." Horror stated never meeting dust in the eyes. Of course he couldn't actually see them-dust had his hood on,a dark shadow almost always covering his face.

Dust was quiet-much to quiet for horrors liking. By now horror excepted to be thrown across the room. Perhaps even yelled at to get out and mind his own damn business. He should have seen those crazed purple and red eyelights glaring at him. Should have felt the danger and lV raise in the room.

But there was nothing

Dust stayed silent-almost dazed. Horror had flinched when dust had simply turned his head to look out the window. Something that did not go unnoticed by him.

"What time is it?"

Horror perked up-took by surprise.Dust never asked him questions,deemed him to stupid to answer.

"...just pass-um- a little pass..twelve pm!"

Dust sighed and fell back onto the bed. He was to fuckin tired to be dealing with any of this. He didn't know what the heck was happening. And he was pretty sure he died-he knew he felt it. And nightmare would have came to him afterwards if he was the cause of the terror. He didn't even want to think about it.

He was just wanted to sleep-to lie down for eternity

he really didn't want to wake up again.

Dust turned to his side and pulled the covers back over himself. Much to the surprise of Horror who was still on the bed.

"G'night" dust mumbled falling fast alseep as soon as he closed his sockets.

Horror sat stunned for a second. His sockets widening and gazing curiously towards dust sleeping form.

He steadily got off the bed. Making sure not to disturb dust in his slumber. He hesitated for a moment-noticing how dust was hugging himself. He felt as if something was off here. He should stay-but-why?

Dust was nothing but bitter and cruel towards him-he hated dust-feared him. So why did he feel the need to comfort him? As far as he was concerned dust had just been tired-a reason for his strange reaction and silence.

But perhaps it was something else

Horror shrugged off his suspicions for the time being. And teleported away-leaving dust alone.

A fatal mistake on his end.

Dust daysحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن