REMUS LUPIN ~ Right Person, Wrong Time

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Bare with me whilst I get back into writing xoxo

also bc I haven't written in ages this book is in its hugeass flop era so that is forever fun ! 

ok so i think i'll write a couple of my own stories and then do the requests if that's cool


"So, my young cutie patooties-"


You sat by a tree with Remus, head resting on his shoulder as you read a book and he did some crossword in the Daily Profit.

After a while, you shut your book and looked at him. He was so pretty. His hair looked slightly ruffled and the sun was shining on his eyes so you could just about see the golden flecks in them. Not to mention his glasses were falling off slightly on the bridge of his nose.

He huffed, "Merlin, there's a typo in this crossword puzzle!"

You couldn't help but smile at him, only he could get this worked up over a crossword.

He seemed to notice your gaze (well no shit you're face is like an inch away from his) and shut the newspaper & put down his quill to face you. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"I love you," you blurted out. Your eyes widened - it was the first time either of you had said it and it just came out. What the flippity fuck happens now?

He stayed silent for a minute before gently putting his hand on the back of your neck, slightly entwined in your hair, before pulling you closer and placing a kiss on your lips. It was soft and loving and he made you feel like you were the only girl in the world.

After a while you both pulled apart as he rested his forehead against yours, "I love you too, Adeline."

You scoffed, "Adeline sounds so formal and fancy."

"I'd say that saying 'I love you' is pretty fancy," he smirked.

"You're off the hook, Lupin."


It was a year later and you were still with Remus. 

But things were slowly feeling more off. You thought nothing of it and just assumed it was stress from school.

You were sitting next to him in Potions, when Slughorn brought up Amortentia, the love potion. 

"This is Amortentia," Slughorn boomed, "It is the most powerful love potion in the world. Now, whatever you smell is that of the things you love the most. It is important to note that the stronger the colour is when you smell it, the more you love it."

You tilted your head in interest, meanwhile girls like Lily and Marlene were basically inside the potion, trying to smell it.

"Ho, ho, ladies!" Slughorn laughed (didn't know we invited santa but if you say so), "Everyone can have a go if they please. Let's start from this side of the classroom," he motioned where you and Remus were sitting, "and go all the way around to this side," he pointed to where Lily and Marlene were sitting,

The girls grumbled and went back to there seats.

"Oi, Lilyflower!" James called from across the room, "If you smell me, don't be surprised - I can already smell your perfume in the potion!"

She rolled her eyes as Slughorn continued talking, "Only time will tell Mr. Potter. Now, let's start off with our two lovebirds, Mr. Lupin and Miss. Miller." He looked at you and Remus.

"More like Mr. and Mrs. Lupin, right, Lina?" Sirius smirked, nudging you with his elbow.

You laughed, "One day, Sirius."

You and Remus both went up to the potion. Remus grinned at you, "Ladies first."

You went up to the potion and began to smell it. "Tell us what you smell, Miss. Miller. I can see some strong colours there!" Slughorn encouraged. (love a middle-aged fanboy !)

You smiled, "Uh, freshly baked" You saw Remus smile gently out of the corner of your eye, " chocolate...and book pages I think?"

"Sounds like all of those were Remus," James winked. You rolled your eyes with a smile before moving out the way for Remus to have a go.

As soon as he got there, a change of colours were already there. "Oh ho! Looks like we have some just as bright colours from your loverboy, Miss Miller!" Slughorn cheered.

You mentally grimaced before taking note of the colours: a kind of gold, purple, green and beige.

"What do you smell?" you whispered to him.

"Butterbeer, lavender, fresh grass and old textbooks," he replied.

"Wonderful! You can both sit back down now. I think I might just let Miss Evans and Miss McKinnon have ago since they're both about to fall off their seats!"

You and Remus both went back to you seats as James, Sirius and Peter all smirked at you.

You both frowned at the other Marauders before you spoke up, "Can we help y-"

James chimed in, glad for the reason to talk now, "So, my young cutie patooties-"

"No," you replied.

He carried on, unphased,  "-from Remus' smells I gather-"

Sirius interrupted him, putting a hand on his chest, "I got this, Potter. So, my little lovelings-"

"Not any better," Remus frowned.

"-let me tell you my hypothesis. Exhibit A - butterbeer. Remus and Adeline-"


"-sneak out to The Three Broomsticks every Friday for a date with some nice butterbeer."

"Hence Remus' smells of butterbeer," James added.

"Exhibit B - lavender. Lina smells of lavender. Exhibit C - fresh grass. Remus and Lina must spend more time in the courtyard sitting on that fresh grass together than actually being inside. Exhibit D - old textbooks... I actually can't connect that with you as much, Lina. Maybe Remus thinks you're too old?"

Remus scoffed, "I can love something that isn't to do with my girlfriend."

James stayed silent before speaking, narrowing his eyes with pursed lips, "...buuut you shouldn't."

Remus smiled, lacing his fingers with yours, "Fine. Me and Lina have spent countless nights in the library just looking at old textbooks together."

"Dear Merlin, you're perfect for each other," Sirius frowned, "No one else could be this attracted to someone like you two."

You shrugged, "Well, I'm certainly not complaining."


I'm making this two parts because otherwise it'll be too long

also ik there's nothing angsty yet or even sad but i don't even know if there will be however who knows 

actually this part isn't even that long but i'm still splitting it into two parts (idk if this is a 'that's what she said' line or not)

ok bye 

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