REMUS LUPIN ~ Library Visits pt.3

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"It's a free country. I can do what I damn well want."


It had been a week since your encounter with Remus. You had done the test (and failed) but you continued to attend the library every day.


Well, Remus was there, of course. (yeah no shit sherlock)

You had no reason to be in the library, but in case you were questioned, you had an 'upcoming Potions exam'.

You were both always the last ones there but you didn't dare strike another conversation with him again. That doesn't mean you wouldn't just shamelessly stare at the handmade-by-God-completely-and-utterly-too-gorgeous-for-his-own-good boy.

His hoodie was up, his hair was dishevelled and his glasses were borderline about to fall off the bridge of his nose as he scribbled something carelessly on his parchment. You quietly sigh, annoyed that he hasn't made any effort to talk to you. (yeah well neither have you so cry about it)

Your Potions book laid in front of you, completely and utterly untouched.

With a final sigh, you rolled your eyes and gathered up your stuff before walking over to his table. You dumped your stuff on the table and sat down on a seat across from him. He looked up at you, attention caught.

"Hi, Lupin," you smiled lightly.

He gave you a confused look, not replying- exactly what you expected though.

You mentally shrugged, "You any good at Potions?"

A curious look graced his face before he pulled his hood down and ran a hand through his hair.

You didn't need help in Potions. Well, you did. But procrastination existed. And you certainly did not need Remus Lupin finding out how bad you were at a subject. 

This was stupid. You were about to get up but he spoke.

"I'm not bad," he replied, looking at you with interest.

"You mind helping me?"

He raised a brow at you, "Well, do remember how our last conversation went?"

You shrugged, "What about it?"

"Well you needed a shovel multiple times?"

You put your head down, smiling, "I don't care for it. Get to the point, Lupin."

"Oh no, nothing," he shrugged like you did, "I'm just saying, do you want today's conversation to go the same way it did last time?"

You laughed, "Well, it's just helping me out on Potions- how hard could it be?"

He grinned at you (bro's gorgeous), "Alright, Smith. But I didn't bring a shovel, sorry."

You gave him a fake disappointed look, "Seriously? No shovel? You're breaking my heart here, Lupin."

He feigned a sad face, "As if you'd let me."

Later on he was explaining different processes to do with the subject but you definitely weren't listening. You were looking at his side profile and admiring the pure and utter beauty of this boy.

"You're doing it again," he tutted, not looking at you but continuing to stare at the book.

You cleared your throat, snapping out of your daze.


"Staring," a smirk tugged at his lips. "You should take a photo, it'll last longer."

He grinned as you realised he repeated the same words you told him last time the two of you conversed.

You shook your head, "It's a free country. I can do what I damn well want."

He smiled and you could've melted on the spot, "Do you wanna tell me what you're talking about?"

You looked at him, eyebrows furrowed, "I'm thinking that I could really use a shovel right about now."

He shook his head with a grin, "My mistake."

"Well...what were you thinking I was thinking?" your voice quietened.

"Nothing of importance," he smiled. "But what about your staring? Your staring that you do every day. You don't think I notice?" 

His voice had quitened with yours.

You smiled lightly, "Maybe I'm just trying to solve that puzzle?"

"Oh yeah?" he rested head chin on his hand, gazing at you, "And how's that coming along for you?"

You sighed, "Maybe I'm two pieces in, but I don't know."

He sighed back, "Look, you want a date? All you have to do is ask."

You stared at him blankly. (odd)

"A- A date?"

"A date."

He confirmed it, looking at you.

"A date? Like a date-date?"

"The exact type."

"Why though?"

"Well, why else would you spend all that time staring at me?"

"Oh, you know, Lupin, you are so full of it-"

"Am I wrong?"

"I'd like to replay the shovel card."


A silence loomed over the two of you and you didn't know what to say at all.

"So, are you going to ask me or not?" Remus asked, fiddling with his quill.

You huffed, "Fine. Will go you on a date with me?"

He scoffed, "Come on, now. I require a bit more charm than that- how easy do I look?"

You rolled your eyes, grabbing one of his sheets of parchment and his pot of ink before snatching the quill from his hand.

You started to scribble something down before handing it to him.

Remus Lupin, do you accept my offer of one romantic outing? 

Yes - smileNo - backflip

He grinned and you grinned back, knowing that he genuinely wanted to go on a date with you.

You were fuckity fuck fucked.

He was this angel sent from heaven and you were this girl Satan had spawned that spent her weekends stuffing her face with chocolate frogs and forgetting that coexisting with humans was a thing. (this should really be a y/n kinda thing if you ask me)

"Perfect," you made eye-contact with him that could've so easily have made you faint, "Meet me outside the common room this Saturday." You began to make your way off with your stuff.

"I'd wear something red if I were you," he called out to you.

You raised a brow, "And why's that?"

You knew why.

He shrugged, "Just...supporting our house colours, you know?"

You nodded, playing along, "I do indeed."

Horny motherfucker. (said line was both an a/n and part of the story xx)

You walked off, feeling his eyes on you.

Now, how the frick frack tickety tack mother of crack were you supposed to keep it together?



obviously there's gonna be a pt 4 but I am shocked at the fact I am making a story this long 👍


this has to be the most boring summer to simply exist icl

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