That's What They All Say

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A few weeks later, I was playing for the USWNT. 

I was living my dream. So close to my dream anyway. 

Now I just have to play well so I can make the World Cup roster. 

But I'm not complaining, not one bit. 

I made it here, and that's what matters. I'm proving to my parents that I'm not useless. I'm proving to them that I'm good enough. I'm showing them that soccer can be a job. 

I'm proving to the world that I'm more than Julie Ertz's cousin. I'm my own player with my own path. I'm just stuck with her until I turn 18. But I'm not mad about it. 

I can show the world that I can compete on the big stage. 

When we got to the hotel in Kansas City, the whole team was in the lobby and went crazy. 

"Look at her!" 

"Oh Julie she looks like you! But not completely!" 

"She's the cutest ever!" 

"Look at those adorable chubby cheeks! You still look so young!" 

"Look at her eyes! They're so blue!" 

Ashley Sanchez decided to pinch my cheeks. 

"She's so cute when she's not killing me in the midfield." 

"Julie, I like her. I think we should keep her." Lindsey Horan smiled. 

"You haven't even seen me play yet!" I laughed. 

"Doesn't matter!"  

A few more girls came in from San Diego Wave. Alex Morgan, Naomi Girma, and Taylor Kornieck. 

I turned to look at Taylor 

"I still can't get over how tall you are." I had to look up at her a bit. 

"You look a lot littler when you aren't on the field." She laughed. Then she rested her arm on top of my head. "Perfect size for an arm rest." 

"I'm not THAT little!" 

"I mean you're like 15." Said Ashley Hatch. 

"16 now." 

"You know, if you play this camp you'll be the youngest to play." 

"Will I?" 


I thought about that for a second. Me? The youngest ever? 

And then I realized someone else had said earlier that Julie and I would be the first cousins to play, and I thought that was cool too. 

Alex snapped a picture of me and Taylor because she thought it was really funny. Then we all got our rooms. Of course I roomed with Julie. 


I did well in practice in the days leading up to the game. I feel like I could have done better, and I really hoped I would even play today. 

I thought it was weird that I felt barely any nerves before the game. Maybe in the back of my mind I thought I wouldn't play, but I don't really know. 

I thought about the handshake I do with Sarah Griffith before every game. I did it in the summer when I played and again when I signed again. 

And with the Red Stars, we made the playoffs. Games start after this international break. 

I just looked around the room after I had zoned out. There were a lot of eyes on me, and I realized coach said my name. 

"Again, Britt, do you mind playing some attacking mid?" He asked.  

"Not at all." I said without thinking. 

"Good then. I can sub you in at that spot maybe. I'm trying to figure out what to do." 

I nodded and we did our handshake. The starting XI stayed inside they could walk out together, but everyone else left. 

Julie kept me behind. 

"You're getting in this game." She whispered. "I know it. He doesn't usually single people out. When he does that's pretty much a guaranteed substitute." 

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yes. Now go out. I'll see you at halftime." 

I gave her a hug and thanked her for everything before running out to the bench to sit with the rest of the girls.

"Ready for this, kid?" Asked Taylor when I sat down. 

"Ready to sit down and watch Julie in red, white and blue." 

"You'll play. I know it." 


"Coach really likes you." 

"That's what they all say." 

Mini Ertz///USWNT/NWSLWhere stories live. Discover now