Practice Squad Kid

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I got to sit on the bench with the team, which was so awesome. I also got to warm up with them. I just didn't play. 

I was given a kit, though. It was sitting in a locker at the very end. There it was. Johnston 88. 

I wasn't allowed to wear it, but I could try it on. I can't lie, it looked so good on me. 

I only got to travel with the team because of Julie, and they were kind enough to let me have a spot with them on the bench, so I wasn't about to say something stupid to mess it up. My goal is to be able to wear the jersey soon, but just have it sit in a locker for nothing. 

We ended up winning 3-0, goals from Mal, Sarah Lubbert, and Julie in the 88th minute. That number really loves our family. 

After the game, I felt kind of awkward flooding the field with the team, but Emily Boyd dragged me out onto the field with her. 

I ran over to Julie as soon as I spotted her, giving her a hug. 

"Good job!" I said. I had no idea what to say in this situation, but I was overjoyed. 

"Thanks, kiddo." She said. 

I got Mal next, then Tatumn and then the rest of the team. 

"You're next, rookie." Said Danny Colaprico. 

"I can't be a rookie until I get actually signed." I laughed. 

"You will soon enough. Trust me." 

"You've got that head in the clouds." I said. 

"And you've got yours in the ground." She walked away after that. 

Is that a thing? I'm not an ostrich! I don't have a long neck I don't think. 

Most of the team went to go sign autographs, so after I did some sprints with the subs, I went back to the  bench and helped the equipment people. They told me no, but I told them it was too awkward with everyone signing autographs. 

"Hey kid!" Mal yelled. "Kid! Britt. Britteny!!!" 

"What Mallory?" 

"Come here." 

I ran over to her, and saw that she was with a girl who seemed to be about 13. 

"What's up?" I asked. 

"She wanted the whole team to sign her poster. She asked for you." She stepped away, and let me have my moment with the girl. 

"So what's your name?" I asked ad I signed the poster. 


"Well, Kayla, do you play soccer?" I asked. 


"What position?" 


"Nice." I said, giving her a high five. I quickly added a few extra words near my autograph, because I wanted to hopefully make this girl's day, even though she doesn't care about me at all. 

I just realized this was my first ever fan interaction, which was something I'll never forget. The photographers had even gotten it. So had the social media admin.  

I heard my name called from about 20 feet down, so I wrapped up the conversation with a quick selfie, and went to the next. 

I heard someone mutter 'who's she?' But it didn't bother me at all. 

The third and final person I met called me 'Julie's Cousin' and kept talking about Julie. I just smiled and nodded, and left quickly after. 

I went back to the locker room to wait for the rest of the girls. No one was there, so I just stared at the jersey in my locker for a while, wishing at least a little bit of the cheering tonight could have been for me. 

Mini Ertz///USWNT/NWSLDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora