Football Party

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My head was absolutely pounding when I woke up. I was wrapped in a blanket and covered by one, wearing clothes I didn't recognize, and cuddled up next to Marley. 

When I opened my eyes, the sunlight hurt my head, so I just groaned and rolled over. 

"How you feeling kid?" Marley yawned. 

"My head has a heartbeat." 

She laughed. "Drank a lot last night, didn't you?" 

"Julie doesn't need to know." 

"No she doesn't. That's why you're here. We're both in deep shit if she finds out." 

"Honestly why did I do that?" I asked, picking my head up and looking at her. 

"You're a teenager. You do those things. It is what it is." 

"Oh Julie's gonna kill me." 

"How's she gonna know?" 

"I mean I probably look like absolute shit." 

"You're too pretty to ever look like shit." 

"Not the time, boyfriend's sister." 

"Sorry. But we can make you look fine. But first let's go get something to eat and some water. You didn't drink enough of that last night though I practically forced it down your throat." 


Julie had no idea I don't think, so I hung out with her for a while after practice. She also had no idea that I didn't come in last night. 

I started getting spammed with videos from my teammates, telling me how much fun I was. I figured I should watch them later to see what the hell I was up to. 

"I hear your phone blowing up. You wanna go check that?" Julie asked. My phone was on the ground about 10 feet from where we were having a pass. 

"It's fine. I don't really care." I did care, because I checked it 5 minutes ago and it was going to be the same crap. 

I remembered I had homework, so I went to go grab it from my room so Julie could help me out. I understood none of it because I didn't pay attention in class. 

Then I thought I lost my phone so I checked around my whole room and couldn't find it, so I just went down and figured I would deal with it later. 

When I explained it to Julie, she told me it was still in the grass and I felt like an idiot. 

After she helped me, Tatumn called and asked if we wanted to go out to lunch. I went, but Julie stayed to get the house ready for tonight. We're having people over to watch the Cardinals game. 

I ended up spilling to Tatumn what happened last night, and what I remembered. She told me it was between the 2 of us, and I told her I would tell her more after I watched the videos. 

"Do I really want to know more though?" She asked. 

"Maybe not." I said. "I mean you hang out with my older cousin all the time. You're her teammate." 

"Exactly. I would never tell her though." 

"I know." 

Then we ran a few errands to get Julie a few things for the party, and then she stayed with us to help set up. 

"Why don't you girls go get ready yourselves." Julie told us after a while. 

"I am ready!" Tatumn said. 



"You're wearing the color of the other team. Brit, go get her something to wear." 

"Alright." I said, and grabbed Tatumn's wrist and dragged her to my room. 

"That was very aggressive." She said. 

"I know." 

"Then why'd you do it?" 

"You've gotta wear this." I threw one of my Zach jerseys at her. "She'll love it." 


About a half an hour before kickoff, there were so many people in our house. I mean so many. 

Julie was talking to everyone, and I was following her around like a little duckling. 

When I found some of the Red Stars girls, I stayed with them. They all somehow separated after about 10 minutes of me being there, and so it ended up being just me and Sarah Griffith. 

"I don't know where Julie went." I said. 

"Do you want to go find her?" Sarah asked. 

"Kind of." I said. "I hate all the randos being in my house." 

"Well they aren't randos to her." 


"I'll help you find her." 

I grabbed her hand so I didn't lose her. There's sooo many people here you can barely walk. 

Eventually I let go of her because I felt like I followed well enough, but clearly not as I got lost about 15 seconds later. 

I sighed and kept looking through all the unfamiliar faces, hoping to find just a single familiar one. 

I came across Sam Fisher first, but instead of just saying her name I grabbed her arm, and she jumped 20 feet in the air. 

"Sorry." I said, letting go. 

"You scared the crap out of me. I have no idea why." She laughed. "What's up Britt?" 

"I lost Julie and Sarah." I said. "There's too many random people here." 

"I get it." She said. "Trying to find someone you know?" 


Then I got a text from Mal telling me she was almost there. That made me happy, but I stayed with Sam until she got here, and then she came with me to the front. This time I made sure she didn't let go as we pushed through the crowds of people.She probably thought I was such a touchy person, but honestly I was just nervous. 

When we let Mal in, her eyes went really wide, and she looked shocked at the amount of people here. I just shrugged. 

I took pictures with Mal and Tatumn and posted them on Instagram, because why not honestly. I ended up in one of the rooms off to the side of the house, not one of the main rooms with a few teammates. It was almost the end of the second half when I fell asleep on Sarah Griffith's shoulder. It was a rookie meetup in there; me, Sarah, Sam Fisher, Ava Cook, and Amanda Kowalski. We were just kind of hanging out in the quieter area. 

When I woke up, halftime had passed and we were about halfway through the third quarter. I was woken up by Sarah, and when I looked up I saw Mace. 

"I made it and you're sleeping!" He laughed. 

"Just...a halftime nap." 

"Yeah sure." 

"I'm serious!" I laughed, finally sitting up. 

"She's not. She's been sleeping since the second quarter." Said Ava. 

"I'm gonna kill you." I sighed, and the girls laughed as Mace and I left to join the party. 

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