Country Loser

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I got made fun of in one class because I was a 'country loser' and I had no idea what to even say. 

It started when I knocked over this girl's water bottle by accident towards the end of class, making some kids laugh. 

"I'm sorry." I said, and I picked it up for her. 

"What a loser." She scoffed, and took her water bottle from me violently. 

"I said I was sorry." 

"Funny accent, country loser." She laughed. "Where ya from?" 

"Why do you care?" I asked. 

"I asked you a question, and you answer me." 

"I did. I said 'why do you care?' That's an answer, right?" 

"Actually, idiot, it's another question." 

"Well it's none of your damn business is what it is." 

"I don't understand the harm in telling me." 

"I don't understand why you need to know." 

The girl was big and tough looking, which shouldn't intimidate me considering I'm a professional soccer player, but it did. 

"Why don't you just tell me?" She asked. 

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" 

"Why would I do that?" 

"Because I did nothing to bother you." 

"Actually you did everything." 

"You sound like an 8 year old." 

"You sound like you were born on a farm and never went to school a day in your life." 

"And that matters because...." I was starting to get angry. 

"You're a new kid. You do what others say."

"No I don't." I said. "Listen, if you were smart you'd leave me alone." 

"Or else what?" She laughed. "You'll throw eggs at me? Dump seeds on me?" 

I took a deep breath. 

"You'll let the dogs out?" She laughed. "Will you-"

"You play soccer?" I asked, referring to the school jersey she was wearing. 

"Yeah. What's it to you?" 

"You have a game today?" 


"How much time do you get before warm ups?"

"Like 25 minutes." 

"Alright. Meet me outside after school. You and me, 1v1." I said. 

"Do you play soccer?" 

"I do." I replied. 

"Probably didn't try out because you were too scared you'd get cut." She scoffed. 

"Actually no." 

"Then why didn't you try out?" She asked. 

"Other reasons." I said. "That don't matter to you." Add in 'yet.' 

"Chicken." She scoffed. "How fast can you fun a mile?" 

"5:15. Working on 4:30 by next March preseason." I said. 

"That's a lie."  

"No it's not." 

"Prove it." 

Mini Ertz///USWNT/NWSLWhere stories live. Discover now