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Chapter theme: Someday; All-4-one-


SDT: SUBTERRANEAN DEMON TRIBE, often used to describe sentient and non-aggressive demons.

USF: UNITED SUBTERRANEAN FRONT, the recognized sovereign citizens of the Ebott. Valley demon association.

NNH: New New Home, the town's name. The only city located in the USF.

Central: Central Government, central city, main human settlement where the Grand Senate is instated.

WG: World Government, The coalition of governments, cities and island states, headed the Grand Senate.

WM: World Military, the standing widespread military for the entire world bar a few states and countries.

OTS: Order Of The Sword, a religious faction mainly situated in the city of fortuna, radical Sparda worshippers.

Disclaimer: Certain aspects of this story are based on a loosely fictional and exaggerated version of reality, of what is possible, of what could be, to understand this is to understand that there is no agenda... Make your own conclusions, what you think is right.

I own nothing.

Sin Trigger

Fortuna was a place where people could make their own lives, to beat out a path by themselves... But no man is an island, and if he crumbles here...? Who will be there to pick him up, who could possibly dither to help others when faced with this question?

Well, many could. But Vergil was not one of them, especially when bared with a pure soul as she... The son of Sparda could only stand as still as stone looking upon her, a woman from the first glance was merely another of the faceless Fortuna residents... A name lost in the cold of this city. And so, this woman, promiscuous yet pure... She shuffled in place, trying to appear smaller underneath his piercing gaze. She hadn't finished her introduction, hardly stuttering it out against his piercing gaze.

Recognition in each eye, "You're the... The white haired hunter... Vergil."

"You know me?"

She gains a slight confidence, "Yes, of course! I-I mean you've been the talk of the town lately, I... Darn, I'm tripping over word-" Vergil was upon her in a moment, towering over her and staring down with those incredibly perceptive eyes. He silenced her with a single gesture, just like he would with... With...

His single finger had covered her lips, "Breathe, do not be overwhelmed. I am a man as any, I breathe, think, act, feel just as any man does." Voice softer than it was normally, even Vergil felt slightly surprised at how calm he sounded. How reserved.

It seemed to do the trick, nonetheless. "Ah, thank you kind sir... I almost let myself get carried away, gets me into quite a bit of trouble with Mother Diana." She rubbed the back of her head and adjusted her hair.

Vergil nodded, "This Mother Diana is your contractor then?" Ifalna nods as well, opening her mouth to elaborate only to keep her words silent...

"Yes..." Her already tiny voice became even tinier, giving the son of Sparda an impression of... Fear? No, maybe trepidation.

Vergil decided to nip the bud before it even grew, "Don't shy away from your past." A simple virtue, was adhering to the past with the respect it deserved... To learn from it.

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