Fated meeting

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Chapter theme: One Man's Strength


SDT: SUBTERRANEAN DEMON TRIBE, often used to describe sentient and non-aggressive demons.

USF: UNITED SUBTERRANEAN FRONT, the recognized sovereign citizens of the Ebott. Valley demon association.

NNH: New New Home, the hometown of all SDT's, the city known as "a paradise." To those who live there.

Central: Central Government, central Island, main human settlement where the Grand Senate is instated.

WG: World Government, The coalition of governments and island states, headed the Grand Senate.

WM: World Military, the standing widespread military for the entire world bar a few states and countries.

OTS: Order Of The Sword, a religious faction mainly situated in the city of fortuna, radical Sparda worshippers.

Sin Trigger.

Bandaged and breathing heavily, Crono released blow after blow against the cushioned target gloves, the limp target pads doing nothing to settle his frustration. It didn't matter how much he ached, the pain he felt from being too weak... It was far too great.

Yellow eyes blaze with indignation, "Dammit c'mon little SDT, throw some blows in!" His ragged voice was out of breath as is, a blistering headache causing him to close his left eye. "Don't you want to hit me?"

Blooke shook his head tepidly, "N-no... Not really..." He'd rather not be doing this to begin with, Crono was scary like this... Just like before. At least not towards him this time.

The sharp eyed man goaded him on by pumping out his chest, "Well tough shit, just let out some aggression on me alright? I won't get mad, I fucking deserve it." The sorrow he felt was palpable in every word, a failure of a father.

Blooke stepped back out of range before any more blows could be levied, "No... I'm not going to... Sorry but I'm not-" Crono growled and lowered into a more primal posture, his teeth bared.

He covered his face and shook violently, "Dammit, why can't you just make it easy to want to hit you? Come on!" He exclaimed, tearing his hands through the air.

Glancing between his fists in a crazed fury, "I want to pelt you so badly, to release my frustration, but you just can't stand up for yourself!" He shakes his head, "Dammit, I can't even be mad at you! I'm pissed at... I'm just so fucking mad." Crono took a breather and sat on the bench, Brandon was staring at him almost to say 'Don't fuck up.'

Crono knew he couldn't raise a hand against Blooke, not when Vergil was... Was such an inspiration, a man who Crono always wanted to be... Who protected his own without even blinking, who could do anything and be anything... A near God amongst men, it was hard to feel anything but weak when compared to him...

And he... He hated feeling weak.

But he hated this gnawing feeling even more, "I'm sorry alright? I'm sorry for beating on ya, it's just... It's just so easy!" Crono vented to nobody in particular, not expecting a response. "It just pisses me off, you sit there and take it... You don't fight back, you don't want to fight back!"

It was inconceivable, all Crono had ever done was fight back... Against this shitty system, against everything he didn't want. And for what? What good had it done for him or his family? For anyone else? He wasn't good enough, he wasn't inhumanely strong or fast, he wasn't special.

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