The storm that is approaching

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Chapter theme: Big River Man-


SDT: SUBTERRANEAN DEMON TRIBE, often used to describe sentient and non-aggressive demons.

USF: UNITED SUBTERRANEAN FRONT, the recognized sovereign citizens of the Ebott. Valley demon association.

NNH: New New Home, the town's name. The only city located in the USF.

Central: Central Government, central city, main human settlement where the Grand Senate is instated.

WG: World Government, The coalition of governments, cities and island states, headed the Grand Senate.

WM: World Military, the standing widespread military for the entire world bar a few states and countries.

OTS: Order Of The Sword, a religious faction mainly situated in the city of fortuna, radical Sparda worshippers.

Disclaimer: Certain aspects of this story are based on a loosely fictional and exaggerated version of reality, of what is possible, of what could be, to understand this is to understand that there is no agenda... Make your own conclusions, what you think is right.

I own nothing.

Sin Trigger

Men could be broken, it was possible. No doubt about it. If you struck a man hard enough, consistently enough, broke down his walls in a calculated attack after dozens of hours... He would and could always break, it was only a matter of time before any man broke after all.

But Vergil was no man; to break a son of Sparda... Only the most vile of beings could imagine it.

'And yet here we are... I'm the one being broken by the attempt of breaking another...'

No amount of blazing blue swords or hasty threats would get through to the young man, this knight of the order, he just won't break. It was frustrating the hell out of him, and the half-devil was hardly angry by any meaning of the word, he was stern, focused, brutally efficient, and anger was anything but efficient. A core philosophy of his fighting style was no wasted movements, every step every twist every thing he did had a purpose.

And yet... Nothing. The young man claimed to know nothing else than the useless drivel he'd already told them.

Vergil levies a heavy glare towards the bar owner, "Bianca, how long have we been this fools babysitter? He clearly has no intention of letting his tongue loose any more than he has already." The green eyed woman merely groans in response, exiting from the room the knight was being held in.

Bianca places her hands against her hips, "Dammit Vergil, can you stop pestering me for one second? He's the only lead we have on my son!"

Meeting her glare with a relaxed gaze, Vergil crossed his arms. "Maybe not... But that damnable diva Mettaton isn't responding to any calls."

It wasn't uncommon for Mettaton to do this, calls could be traced... Vergil knew that. But outside of the irrelevant tidbits of information he'd given Ifalna, their prisoner was useless.

An uncharacteristically cruel glare, "Exactly, maybe I should waterboard his ass..." She tapped her arm impatiently, drilling holes in the door.

Raising a brow, "And you're supposed to be the kind one..."

Bianca whirls around and meets his gaze, "When my son is in danger? Fat chance." She says with a dangerous expression, not one he's used to seeing on her rounder face.

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