'But... Maybe I'm not getting anywhere like this.'

Tearing off his boxing gloves, Crono clasped his hands behind his head. "I don't wanna hurt ya, it just..." He sighed and ceased his shallow and rapid breathing, calming himself with breathing techniques.

... The gaunt man averted eye contact, "I... When I was little, my momma died y'know? Killed by some damned demons, my daddy did his best to fight them off but... The order came and slaughtered them all in the end." The two SDT's watched with bated breaths, Brandon deciding to turn away back to his phone.

But... Blooke listened.

Crono stiffened as he realized that the SDT was actually listening to him, looking at him without scorn, "I-I-I was young y'know, like I just knew I was so mad back then too, always mad and violent..." He laughed, shaking his head.

A faint recollection in his eyes, "My daddy didn't give shit about me, but I went on and did something with my life. I met Bianca and got her out of her little shit hole of a living... Then we had Credo, and I promised I'd never fail him like my daddy failed me." His hands blistered and bleed with how tightly he was holding the bench, his nails deeply clawing into flesh.

Crono released a shaky almost impossible breath, "Huhf, fuck man..." He shook his head and leaned back to release the pressure in his chest that just wouldn't go away. "I sure ain't living up to that though, as much as I tried..."

Crono deflated against the chair, "But... I can't complain to you, not after what I did... Shit man, you know sometimes I still get pissed off seeing ya? It's like I can't control it... I hate it, hate that nasty feeling so much but can you fucking blame me?" At that point he caught the eyes of his former victim, the robotic devil was crying now.

Crono froze, why was he like this? Why? He rubbed the back of his neck, "Aw shit man. I didn't mean to make you cry, I... I better go lay down before my mouth keeps blabbering." He was a simple man, didn't think about much but still... He had a heart.

Even Blooke could see that, now.

So he grabbed the man's hands with his own robotic fingers, "It's okay Crono... You should... Um, let it all go okay?" Blinking rapidly, Crono laughed a small laugh.

He pulled himself away, but Blooke wasn't finished. "I don't know if I can forgive you yet, but I don't hate you... I can't hate... You just want to protect your family... Right? Don't worry too much about me... Let your emotions out." It wasn't right to keep them bottled up, Blooke knew this very well.

Crono was silent for a moment before chuckling, "You remind me of Reno when you said that, he's always tryna be the brains and stuff... But no, I can't. I gotta be strong, I gotta get back on my feet." Can't let his anger flood through, can't... Let the cold in.

'I don't want to slip... Not again, never again.'

Blooke understood... He really did see what he was saying, to be powerless... Was not a good feeling at all, to be so caught up in if you're not good enough; it was depressing, that life of living in the shadow of another... Of living as a failure, unable to grab on to you dreams.

Scarily, he knew just as much, "I know how you feel... Crono... I'm pathetic myself... Because... I want to fight sometimes too... But I can't, I never... I never have the guts to, i never can make myself angry enough... I'm a very weak person." Crono stiffened at the information, his head lowering as the guilt seeped through his neck and burned red.

So he decided to turn it around, "Better than me I'll say, I fight even when I don't want to... I'm a primitive sort, always been like that."

Blooke blinked softly, "But you changed... You aren't a bad man..."

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