𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗

Start from the beginning

He laughed and rolled his eyes, "You mean the one Wednesday claims was killed by a monster?" Xavier turned and notched another arrow, "the Harvest festival. But his side of the room was all packed the morning he left. Rowan had always been a little off, but, uh, the last couple of weeks he'd been a bit erratic. You know, telekinesis can mess with you head, you know it started to freak me out." 

He raised the bow and shot. The arrow landed in one of the inner rings.

"You know, you're not going to be able to remember any of this to report back to Wednesday if all your concentrating on is my arms," Xavier mused.

Aiyla's face flushed. She cleared her throat, "I- I don't know what you're talking about." She grabbed the bow from him and he chuckled.

Shaking her head slightly, she cleared her thoughts and pulled a large, metal ring from her pocket and put it on her thumb.

She notched an arrow and grabbed an apple, throwing it in the air and raising the bow. She pulled back on the bowstring with the thumb ring and slightly turned the bow sideways as she let the arrow fly.

It flew with a lot more power than Xavier's arrow, impaling the apple into the centre of the target with a loud thunk.

"Bullseye," he breathed.

She smirked, "Asian archery. My older brother taught me."

"The axe guy?"

Aiyla grabbed an axe from a weapons' box, positioned herself at the next target and spun around. "Don't move."


Last moment, the axe didn't fly towards the target.

Instead, it flew towards Xavier.

He stayed still, paralyzed by fear, as the axe flew past, millimetres from him - so close that the breeze from it caused some of his hair to fly in front of his face, and impaled itself in the wall behind him with a loud thud.

Aiyla walked back over to him and stood on her tiptoes, reaching up and brushing the flyaway strand of hair out of his face.

"He taught me that, too."

Xavier stared, "I don't think I've ever been that shocked in my life."

"I seem to have that effect on people," Aiyla mused.

"You're not scary," Xavier countered, "You - Aiyla Demir - are breathtaking."

Aiyla rolled her eyes, suppressing a smile.

Xavier took her hand in his, causing her breath to hitch. "You're cold," he said.

"I'm fine."

"Take this," he grabbed his hoodie from the hay bale and handed it to her, "Put this on."

Aiyla blushed and put the hoodie on, and then pulled her hair out of it, shaking the curls slightly. "Thank you."

Xavier took the bow back from the ground and notched the arrow, "You're joining archery now."

"Do I have much of a choice?"

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