Chapter 13 [Sky]

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Everyone was still riding Phoe-Phoe across the sky. Ezran had somehow fallen asleep sitting up at the front along with Zym and Bait. Y/n was resting against Rayla, but refusing to fall asleep. Everytime they would close their eyes they would see that man of stars. They weren't sure who he was, but something about him felt, wrong. Rayla woke up and yawned. She looked over her shoulder at Callum who had his back to the group.

Rayla: What are you doing?

Callum: Meditating upon the meaning of sky.

He has his hands connected in some sort of circle, and his eyes closed.

Rayla: Ugh! That's more boring than any answer I would have guessed.

Callum: I'm trying to connect to the Arcanum like Lujanne said, so I can use sky magic again.

Rayla: Didn't she also say you have to be born with the Arcano-what's-it to do magic?

Y/n: Maybe it's possible. I mean, I seem to have some sort of connection with it.

Callum: Y/n's right. Maybe you just have to connect to the Primal. Magical creatures are just born with a connection. I can make my own connection.

Rayla: By sitting weird and humming?

Callum: Right. Seems reasonable?

Y/n: No not really.

Rayla started giggling and Callum only gave Y/n a deadpanned look.

Rayla: Uh, is it just me, or are we losing altitude?

Callum: What? No way. I'm extremely attuned to slight changes in the air flow. . .

Y/n: Callum we're actually falling!

Phoe-Phoe started falling through the sky. Ezran hit his nose on the saddle, but quickly realized what was going on and screamed with everyone else. Bait turned a sickly green. Phoe-Phoe crashes into a rocky platform and almost slid over the edge. Ezran and Zym almost fell off the cliff, but Rayla caught them. Callum kept a tight hold on Y/n so they wouldn't fall.

Rayla: It's nice having both hands again.

Y/n: Maybe we should move away from the cliff.

Everyone helped Ezran and Zym back on land and helped Phoe-Phoe move to more solid ground.

Ezran: Phoe-Phoe is okay. She's just tired. She gets her power from the Moon Nexus. The further away we go, the harder it is to carry everyone.

Callum: Wow, Ez, I can't believe you could understand all of that.

Ezran: You did such a good job getting us so far. Thank you.

Phoe-Phoe turns and flies back to the Moon Nexus. Everyone watches her go.

Y/n: Uh, what are going to do now? I can't carry all of you.

Rayla: Well. . .

She walked to the edge of the cliff and pointed into the distance.

Rayla: Xadia's that way. Across miles and miles of the fluid I both need to survive and hate more than anything in the world.

Callum: You know what? We'll just walk around it somehow. With our legs.

Y/n: I don't think we have that kind of time.

Rayla: Y/n's right. Walking around is gonna take too long. We need to get that former egg, now adorable baby dragon home to Xadia as fast as we can. We've got to go straight across.

Y/n: Then we should get to the harbour.

Everyone agreed and started making their way to the closest city. Once they got there, they snuck in and hid behind an array of crates.

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