Chapter 2 [Moon]

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You couldn't remember how long you had been trapped down here. There were no windows so you couldn't tell what time it was. You also barely slept due to your anxiety, but you did have a general idea of where you were in the timeline. In short, King Harrow hadn't been assassinated yet and the Moonshadow elves were coming soon. All you had to do was wait and hope that Callum and Ezran would free you.

*Time skip to a few hours later*

You heard the mechanical whirring of the secret door and the voices of Callum and Ezran.

Ezran: Yes!

Callum: You're sure she won't be able to follow us?

Ezran: No way. It took me over a month to figure out that combination.

You decided that it was now or never. You rattled your chains as much as you could.

Y/n [shouting]: Help! Help me please!

Ezran: What was that?

Callum: Someone must be trapped down here.

You heard footsteps approaching the cell and the door was opened. You had to squint your eyes and adjust to the brightness of the room outside. They both walked in along with Bait. Bait glowed a little to provide enough light to see. You looked up at the princes and saw the hesitation in their eyes. They probably thought that you were down here for a bad reason. You looked down at yourself. You almost forgot that Viren had you wear clothes more like the humans of Xadia had. Yet you were still covered in dust, dirt, and cuts with dry blood. You looked back up at them and Callum's eyes widened for some reason.

Callum: Ezran help me look for a key.

Callum then rushed out of the room and you could hear clanging outside. Ezran gave you one last glance, then rushed out after his brother. Bait following close behind. They soon came back with Callum holding a key and approaching your chains. He unlocked your chains and helped you up after seeing you stumble. You thanked him and did your best to stand on your own even though you haven't used your legs in days.

Callum: What's your name?

Y/n: Y/n.

You all heard the door open again and rushed out of the holding cell. Didn't the door open immediately after the princes made it into the room? It didn't matter now. At least they had time to free you.

The stairs had fully descended and the Moonshadow elf, Rayla was smugly looking at the two princes. She noticed you behind the two of them and her facade fell for a moment before she regained her composure.

Rayla: Who are you?

Y/n: I'm Y/n.

Rayla redirected her attention to Ezran.

Ezran: But how did you...

Rayla: I just pressed all the stones with the jelly handprints.

Ezran facepalms leaving a jelly handprint on his face. Rayla walks closer to us and looks around the room finding small jars with animals inside on the shelves and the floor. You guessed the ones on the floor were from Callum and Ezran's search for the key to your chains.

Rayla: What is this place? Runaan is right. There's nothing in humans worth sparing.

She points her blades at the three of us making the princes back away in fear while I stood my ground.

Rayla: Time's up. Humans destroyed the egg of the Dragon Prince. There must be justice.

Callum stands in front of his brother and I protectively.

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