Chapter 1 [Moon]

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The prison called school had finally ended and all the students eagerly rushed out of their classrooms and to their lockers.

F/n [Your friend's name]: Hey Y/n! Are you ready to go?

Y/n: Yeah come on let's get out of this hellhole.

You dragged F/n outside and started walking home. After a while you two came to a crossroad and had to separate here.

F/n: I'll see you tomorrow Y/n!

Y/n: You too F/n.

You both went your separate ways. While you walked home you were fiddling with the dragon necklace your sibling had given to you on your birthday a few weeks ago. You remembered them commenting how much you loved dragons. Which was a lot. You were really grateful and showed it by wearing it everyday.

*Author Note*-this is what the dragon necklace should look like, but you can imagine whatever you'd like 💜

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*Author Note*
-this is what the dragon necklace should look like, but you can imagine whatever you'd like 💜

You could see your house in the distance and slowed down your pace. You were lost in your thoughts. And didn't notice the dark portal appear behind you, nor the heavy footsteps that followed.

???: You!

You suddenly heard a man's voice and jumped. Wasn't nobody behind you? Was he following you? What does he want with you? Your mind began racing and you froze.

???: I am talking to you, child! Turn around!

The voice was so loud and commanding that you hastily turned around on instinct.

Your eyes widened when you saw who it was.

Y/n [Whispered]: Lord Viren.

He didn't seem to have heard you say his name. His eyes seemed to be staring inside your soul. Till they also widened at the sight of something around your neck. My necklace? What's so significant about that? Your hand reached up and held onto the dragon charm. He smirked and started chanting something while his eyes turned black and his skin became a ghostly pale with sharp dark gray markings. You didn't recognize the spell, but knew that it was nothing good. You turned and ran towards your house.

It was too fast. Whatever he sent after you had quickly enveloped your body in a cold dark feeling and disappeared. You blacked out and collapsed to the ground, still tightly holding your dragon necklace.

Viren smirked. He walked over to the child and inspected them more closely. They seemed to be around the same age as Prince Callum. They had h/l (hair length) h/c (hair color) with s/c (skin color). They were also wearing (your choice of clothing). They looked exactly the same as the child he saw in his dream. He picked them up and carried them into the portal still activated behind them. As soon as they both went through the portal was sealed.

The portal lead to the dungeons below the castle. He didn't want to be caught using dark magic again. He put the child down and chained their wrists to the wall. He did just kidnap a child so he decided to let them rest. He had other things to do.

*Time skip to a few hours later*

You slowly opened your eyes, attempting to adjust to the darkness of the room. Remembering that you were kidnapped by a person you thought was fiction, you tried getting up, but realized that you were chained to the wall. Looking around you recognized that you were in the same holding cell that Runan was or will be kept in. You had too many questions, but if you were here then Viren is going to pay a visit sooner or later. Only a few seconds later Viren slammed open the door, startling you, and dragged in the same mirror Aaravos is trapped in. The mirror was covered with a cloth, but your eyes still widened recognizing the shape.

Viren: I have reason to believe you know what this is.

He didn't even send you a glance.

Y/n: N-no I d-don't know what t-that is.

You internally scolded yourself for stammering so much.

He gave you a glare and uncovered the mirror. You did your best to hide your panic with a scowl, but it didn't work. You only stared at the mirror watching the purples and blues swirl inside. It didn't do that before though. It had just looked like a regular mirror. The colors faded away and in their place Aaravos appeared. His back was turned, but he turned around and gave you a kind smile and wave, then disappeared. The mirror soon went back to normal. Viren didn't seem to notice the change in the mirror and only looked at you in confusion then realization.

Viren: So you do recognize it. Tell me what you know about this mirror.

You were too shaken by the appearance of Aaravos to answer. You looked up at him after a few moments of trying to calm down. Looking straight into his soul with shakey eyes you slowly shoke your head.

Y/n [softly]: I can't.

He seemed to acknowledge how panicked you were and left the room in a huff. Slamming the door behind him, but he left the mirror uncovered. You closed your eyes and backed up against the wall as far as you could, and tried to sleep.

Viren's thoughts swirled with so many questions. Why were they so shaken? What did they see? What do they know? He knew they knew something, so he had to make sure they could never leave. He hurried to the room where he had kept the mirror and slammed open the door. Rushing to his desk he grabbed the paper with the same portal spell that he used to bring the child to Xadia. He burned the paper without hesitation. He would discover the secrets of the mirror no matter the cost.

Word Count - 980

*Author Note*
- Sorry I couldn't make this chapter longer. We'll get to the real action soon 💙

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