Chapter 4 [Moon]

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You wake up from your sleep to find Rayla sitting on a rock in the moonlight. Attempting to rip her ribbon off. She even tries using her mouth to rip it off. You decide to watch her from the shadows.

Rayla: Unbind yourself! Unbind... thyself. Unbindo!

She sighs and looks over at Bait. Bait grunts in response.

Rayla: Don't judge me. So what, I'm talking to my ribbon-thing? How's that any worse than talking to a... whatever it is you are?

Bait turns a light pink in response and you can't help, but giggle.

Rayla: Oh, you're awake.

Y/n: Yeah.

You get up and walk towards the rock she's sitting on. You both stare at the castle as you hear bells ringing. Rayla looks back at the two princes to make sure they're asleep.

Viren must be leading King Harrow's funeral. It was awful of him to have it so soon.

It's now morning and you see Callum sitting in the shade, against a tree, drawing his primal stone. You approach him.

Y/n: Hey Callum.

He doesn't respond.

Y/n: Oh, okay. You seem occupied.

You sit down next to him without disturbing him. Peaking over his shoulder, you see his drawing. It was even more impressive in person. Rayla walks up to the two of us.

Rayla: Callum. Callum. Hey! [Callum looks up at Rayla] That's your name, right? Callum? Clem? Or was it Camel?

Rayla sits down on the other side of Callum.

Callum: Uh, it's Callum. I guess I was distracted trying to draw this... prima-ball.

Rayla: Primal Stone.

Callum: Right. It holds the pure essence of a primal spirit inside.

Rayla: [sighs] Primal Source?

Callum: Right.

Rayla: You do know what the Six Primal Sources are?

Y/n: Oh, I do!

Callum jumps at the sound of your voice.

Callum: When did you get here?

Y/n: I got here before Rayla. You were concentrating really hard, so I didn't want to disturb you.

His cheeks turn a light pink.

Callum: O-oh, uh, sorry.

Y/n: It's fine. Anyways...

You gesture for him to give you his sketchbook. He quickly hands it over. You take the pencil and draw all six Primal Sources.

Y/n: All magic in the world comes from the Six Primal Sources. They're the original and purest forms of magical energy. [You point to each symbol as you name them] The Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Earth, the Ocean, and... [You gesture towards his Primal Stone].

Callum: The Sky.

He picks up his Primal Stone and holds it in his hands.

Y/n: Yep.

Rayla: To cast a spell, a mage needs Primal Energy. So that wind breath spell you did? You'd usually need a storm or at least a strong breeze. But with that stone you have all the power of the Sky, any time.

Callum: Wow.

Y/n: Primal Stones are incredibly rare. They've been sought after by the most powerful arch-mages in history. And now, you have one.

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