Mariah is back

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The Bangura family almost forgot that Thanksgiving was tomorrow. They were so focused on Christmas that Thanksgiving was not on their minds. Christmas was their favorite, but Thanksgiving was still a part of the holiday season and it would not feel right if they missed it.

Mary could not go Thanksgiving shopping today since she had work to do. So she sent her husband to do all the Thanksgiving shopping, giving him a list of valuable items to buy. The kids were chilling at home since they had no school today. They go back to school on Monday.

Lamonte was at Food Lion shopping for what was needed tomorrow. Everything was all good until he saw his ex-girlfriend Mariah again. He believed that she was following his every move. There was no way it was a coincidence that she would be at the same shopping place that he was in. He pretended to ignore her and treated her like she was just an ordinary shopper.

"Lamonte!" She called out and his worst nightmare was starting again.

"Hey, Mariah." He tried to stay normal and calm. He would have not given her the time of day again, but he did not want to cause a scene or make things worse. He was hoping that their interaction cuts short.

"Isn't it funny that we keep on running into each other?" She asked, laughing like a madwoman.

"Yeah, so hilarious." He said, awkwardly laughing.

"You stay looking good every time I see you." She complimented him, he felt like she was flirting with him. Hopefully, that was not the case for him.

"Thanks" he said.

"Do I look good right now?" She asked.

She showed off all sides of her body slowly. He could not deny that she looked good with her red dress, black high heels, and red lipstick. But in his mind, he was thinking about his wife and how good she looked. He will not fall for her sneaky games. But she noticed that he was not giving an answer, so she stopped

"It's fine, you don't have to tell me. I know that you know that I'm beautiful." She said, putting words into his mouth. He rolled his eyes and shrugged off her comment.

He does not have time to play any games with his ex-girlfriend. His mind right now was on getting the Thanksgiving items. She was distracting him from accomplishing that. Plus, he does not want this to happen again since he wanted to move on from his ex-girlfriend. So, it was time for him to man up and let her know how he truly felt.

"Look, I have to be honest with you." He seriously said. She gulped, did not know what he was going to tell her.

"I don't want to be rude, but why are you doing this?" He simply asked.

"What do you mean?" She was confused on what he was trying to ask. He sighed.

"You know, following me around at the same store at the same time. What's up with that?" He asked.

"It was a coincidence. I had no idea you would be at the same place I was shopping. Plus, people run into others they know all the time." She replied, but he was not believing her.

"Why are you wearing these sexy outfits to shopping areas? Doing these not so subtle sexual things like showing off your body to me?" He asked, hitting her with the tough questions now.

"Excuse me!" Her mood changed drastically when he asked that, "I can wear anything I want! If I feel like dressing sexy while shopping, I can. I'm not doing anything sexual. I don't know what type of woman you think I am, but I'm not a hoe or a thot or whatever men like yourself are calling women nowadays." She ranted, getting all up on his face. He was thankful that there were no customers witnessing this.

There were so many things he wanted to say to her. He could not believe the gall on her for saying she's not a hoe when she cheated on him with another man during the time they were dating. He wanted to argue back and put her in her place. But he didn't because they were at a public store with other shoppers and he didn't want to cause a scene.

Also, he did not want to give her any power over him. If he argued back, she won. So it was best for him to stop entertaining her.

He decided to grab his cart and get away from her. He already got the majority of the items he needed. Plus, he can finish the rest of the shopping at another store.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked, but he did not answer her and continued walking to the register.

"You can't just walk away when you accused me of being a... SLUT!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, gathering the attention of the entire shopping place. He decided to not react to her childishness, pretending to not know her at all. He scanned his items as quickly as possible, so that he could leave the premises.

"Is everything okay, ma'am?" An employee asked, feeling concerned and scared for her. Everyone was looking at her like she was crazy or in dire need.

"Yes, I'm fine. I was just mad for a second, but you don't have to worry about me anymore." She told the employee. The employee left her alone and everyone went back to what they were doing like nothing just happened.

He got done scanning and paying for his items. He left the store at a rapid pace, so that she would not notice that he left. But she did witnessed him leaving.

"You may have escaped from me now, but this isn't over. I will have you crawling back to me again!" She said to herself and left to continue shopping for Thanksgiving.

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