Part 20 Wither vs Pigman

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Final part of the fighting tournament

Wither's POV

"Final round Wither vs Pigman" Herobrine said.

My eyes glowed white as I stared at Pigman with my legs crossed he's so gonna pay for what he did.

"I'm number one" Pigman said.

"Muscle head" I said.

Ready Go!

Pigman's turn different his eyes are a ninja symbol.

"Hoho.." I said as my eyes are green.

I use my hacks to freeze Pigman but, he dodge my ice and he's running on the ice.

I was shocked "What?!" I said uncrossing my legs I float and used my hacks to at the ice on fire but, Pigman also dodge the fire until the ice broke.

I look up to see him heading towards me I know what he did to Skeleton so I know I need to get my revenge.

I stare at Pigman for a few seconds until I flung him across straight to the wall Pigman crashed on the ground.

I laughed.

Pigman stand up and took a deep breath before zooming towards me I don't know where he is until he punch me in the stomach.

"Again?!" I said before teleporting and banging him on the top of the head before Pigman crash down again I used my hacks to summon a big sand block.

I move to the side and set the sand block on Pigman I laughed.

"Oh no" Reekid said.

"Pigman...:(" Ghast said.

"No one can beat Wither" Zombie said.

Pigman's team said in disappointment.

"Woo ho!" Creeper said.

"Nice" Florence Kingsley said.

"Wither will win" Skeleton said I love him so much.

"You da best" Enderman said.

After a few seconds Pigman is starting to lift the sand block I was shocked "Seriously?!" I said.

I start to lifting the sand block up and placing it back down over and over again until he manage to move.

'Where did he go?!' I thought I until Pigman kicked me straight to my face and I crash to the ground "I win?" Pigman said.

I didn't move for a few seconds until my eyes glowed green and I use my hacks to get myself up I turn my head to face Pigman "Miss me?" I ask.

"How is he..still standing?" Pigman ask.

Our teams and teach are watching us this is the real fight.

We both stared at each other until we both ran towards each other we both started hitting each other until I move back.

"I'm ending this!" I said using my hacks to summon the fire on my hand Pigman took a deep breath and got his small sword out.

We stare at each other for a bit 'This is what you get for picking on Skeleton' I thought as I ran towards him Pigman did the same.

We both used our weapons I grunt as Pigman tried to beat me until a bright light came on for a few seconds.

"Who win?" Herobrine ask.

Pigman's weapon is on the ground my eyes are close for a bit until I open them I took a deep breath and notice Pigman is down I was still standing.

"WINNER! WITHER!" Herobrine said.

I took another deep breath and smile.

I win.

Everyone is cheering for us Enderman is in third place, Pigman is in second place, and I'm in first place.

Scene Skeleton is also the winner he's also in first place too.

"Sup guys" Enderman said waving.

Pigman is mad because he didn't beat but, I know he deserve it.

Skeleton and I are so happy we both hug until the sun went down Herobrine smile at us we went back to monster School.

Everyone is celebrating but, me and Skeleton are outside having some alone time together we both hug each other as we smile.

"I know you can win" Skeleton said softly.

"You know I'll always win" I said also softly.

We both stare at each other until I gently place my hand under Skeleton's chin and gently kiss him on the lips he kiss me back.

We kiss for a long while before gently pulling away we both smiled "I love you" Skeleton said blushing.

I smile "I love you too my little Skelly" I said this makes Skeleton blush harder before I kiss him and he kiss me back.

I'm so happy that Skeleton win because of me but, if he's happy than I'm happy.

I smile I still gonna deal with him when we get home he's gonna love it.
The next part is a 18+ so if you wanna skip the next part you can but, after the next part we're gonna see what happens after the fighting tournament I think you guys are gonna be surprise to find out what happens.

Wither x Skeleton - You'll be in my heartWhere stories live. Discover now