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                 Elizabeth awoke startled. A light blinded her eyes as she sat up. Her eyes finally adjusting to the blinding light as she looked around the room. It was a small cube like room with grey wall coverings. It appeared to be a doctors office that had been hastily thrown together as evident from the way the room was arranged. Their was a waste basket beside a counter that had a sink. A rolling shelve had several odd tools on it. Their appeared to be a robot in the corner of the room. It was so much to take in. Especially since the only thing she could remember was her name. She stepped off the cot and onto the floor. The tile was cold under her feet and she almost fell. Her legs not use to carrying her weight. She realized she was in a sanitized gown and immediately checked to see if it was tied and that she had underwear on. Her cheeks went flush. She was young and beautiful. She looked around the age of eighteen. She had long dark brown hair. Her face was covered in freckles. She had a strong defined jawline with commanding but mesmerizing green eyes with a hint of brown in them. She was about five six. She looked like she'd be an athlete if things were different. There was a door in the corner with some type of pad with a red light on it. She walked to it and pressed the only button on it. The door didn't budge. She repeatedly and frantically fidgeted with pad but the door didn't budge. She let out an exasperated sigh of frustration and shoved the deactivated droid. He hit the wall hard causing it to activate. Her eyes went wide as she screamed and backed away. The robot caught himself and stood up. He was a turquoise color. He had a boxy chest. Where his abdomen and neck were supposed to be was a fluid packs with just a support beam. His white eyes in his round boxy head sat over a mask with fluid in it. He had wiry arms and legs. "Mistress. Your awake. It's been a month," he said as he walked towards her. "Let's see how your vitals are."  She grabbed a stool and brought it across his head. Sparks flew as metal hit metal. The blow dropped the droid to the floor. He looked up at her from the floor his body twitching and sparking. The dent in its head making her even more uneasy. "Mistress I'm only a medical droid. I don't mean you harm." He assured her. She shook her head as she continued to hold the stool tight. Flashes of memories flooded her mind. Needles and screaming. A voice saying her name. A black figure with a unforgettable voice. She clutched her head as she dropped to the floor. Tears streamed down her read hot cheeks. The droid started to climb to its feet but an explosion rocked the room. A chunk of the ceiling crushed the droid to the floor. She screamed. "Mistress! They've found you. R. . .uuunn," He said in a garbled voice as the light died in his eyes. An alarm sounded throughout the building. She then heard people shouting and running outside her door. She went to it trying to open it again but it still didn't budge. She pounded on the cold metal.
"Help me!  I'm in here," she screamed. The alarm drowned her voice out. She finally gave up and just curled up in the corner farthest from the door. A few minutes later the sound of blaster and gunfire erupted in the hallway. Screams and other disturbing sounds followed. She watched the door as she crawled towards the stool. She gripped it tight as other voices neared the door.
"Intel says she's in this block," said a voice through a speaker.
"Roger that!" Another voice said. "Everyone fan out into teams of two. Check every floor and every door.  We all know what happens if we fail him." The same voice said. A chorus of  "yes sirs," followed. Then she heard them walking in several different directions. She heard them enter the room to her left followed by blaster fire and shouts of pain and curses.
"Rooms clear! No sign of her." A voice said.
"Next room!" Another said. She heard them step towards her door so she quickly stepped onto the counter and waited. There were a few noises as they sliced into the mainframe before a loud thunk sounded before the door slid open with a hiss. Two armored individuals stepped in wearing their shiny white armor. They had weird weapons at the ready. She swung as hard as she could feeling her body move with her swing. The stool smashed into the first ones mouth piece. His helmet cracked under the impact sending pieces of it everywhere. The hit knocked him into the second as they toppled onto one another and onto the floor. She jumped down and closed the door before smashing the first one in the face again. He cried out in pain begging her to stop but she did it again. This time blood started leaking from the helmet onto his armor and the floor. His body went limp pinning the second to the floor in the process. The second one tried to lift the first one off of him but Elizabeth sat down on top of them both. He grunted from the weight. He tried to reach for his weapon but she picked it up and removed his helmet. He was young and his hair was matted with sweat.
"What do you want with me?" She asked. He just looked at her. "Fine. Don't talk,"  she said before picking up his weapon and shooting him in the head. She pulled the first one off the second and stepped over them. She held onto the blaster and stepped into the hallway. The hallway was littered with bodies. Some in the white armor. Some of those soldiers had varying marks on them. While the other bodies were mostly men and women in military uniforms with various patches on them. Scorch marks and bullet holes dotted the floors, ceilings, and walls. She looked both ways and started left but she heard more voices coming back towards her. "2278, 7643 do you copy? Any sign of the target?" The voice called out. She pressed herself against the wall as well as she could. She watched as two more white armored soldiers rounded the corner. One was different though. He had blue markings on his armor. They noticed her right away. "You stop right there!" The one with blue markings called out. She aimed the weapon she grabbed earlier and tried to fire it. Her shot went wide and they aimed there weapons at her. She looked at them and reluctantly dropped it. The one with no markings grabbed her hands and started to bind them behind her while the other touched two fingers to the side of his helmet. "This is 5972 to all units we have the target. Proceeding to exf-" he didn't get to finish his statement as she saw his head just disappear. She stepped back closing her eyes as blood covered her face and upper torso. The other soldier let go of her and started aiming his weapon before the blue marked one's body hit the floor. She turned just in time to see his chest piece explode into several pieces and blood erupt from the hole in the left side of his chest. His body hit the floor hard blood beginning to form a small pool underneath him. She looked around trying to find where the shots came from when she heard more footsteps coming. She twisted around to find a sliver armor clad man. He carried another odd rifle. He looked friendly she thought as he doesn't appear to be threatening or firing at her. He just looked at all the bodies as he walked towards her. He grabbed her arms and spun her around grabbing the binders and snapping them. She rubbed her wrists as she looked up into his helmet hoping to get a view of who was inside. She only could see herself in the blue reflection. He looked behind her before checking over his shoulder before speaking.
"This is Noble-6 to overwatch. I have Elizabeth. I'll meet you at the exfil Sinon,"he said before pointing at a nearby female corpse. "Put that on. We need to move." He said to her. She just looked at him with shock.
"Uhm. No explanation of what the fuck is going on?" She said feeling frantic. "I wake up with no memory of my past except for my name and weird flashes and I'm thrown into this shit." She said as she stood there looking at him.
"Look!" He said as he turned to look down at her. She could feel his piercing gaze she instinctively covered herself fearing he had some form of x-ray vision. "I understand what it's like to wake up somewhere unfamiliar and get hit with something extremely heavy. I get it. But I can't answer questions and keep you alive   My job is to make sure you make it to the FOB in Pittsburgh." His voice dull but convincing. "So please put that uniform on and follow me or else everyone on the planet will pay for it." She looked at him so confused but reluctantly walked over to the corpse and started stripping it.

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