Chapter 14

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Izuku: 'Well this sucks'

Izuku is now face to face with both Nezu and Aizawa as well as a Detective named Tsukauchi, Nezu informed him that his Quirk is Lie Detector. They want to know if everything that Izuku will tell them is all true.

Speaking of Servants, the Servants that are with Izuku right now are Sherlock, Da Vinci, Da Vinci (Rider), Gilgamesh (Caster), and Merlin.

Da Vinci: So are we going to start this little discussion or are we just going to do a little staring competition of some sorts.

Aizawa: Let's just get this over with, and tell us everything about Midoriya's Quirk.

Nezu: And we have Tsukauchi here to verify if you are all lying or not.

Sherlock: Very well, then let us begin.

As all the Servants began telling both Nezu and Aizawa about Izuku's true power. From Magecraft, the Mage's Association, the Servants and their power, the Holy Grail War, the events of Chaldea such as the Singularities and the Lostbelts, and so much more.

Aizawa looked very tired of this information, this was a lot to take in and he didn't want to believe it but when Tsukauchi said that everything they said was true. He just sighed in frustration, great more problems at hand.

While Nezu was intrigue by all of this but their is one thing that caught his attention and that is, Izuku is in no way affiliated with All for One. But it would take a while for All Might to understand that Midoriya isn't even allied with All for One at all.

Sherlock: So Nezu, what will you do with this information?

Nezu: Absolutely nothing, we will keep this all a secret to make sure no one knows of this. No doubt if Villains find out about this, they would try to get this power.

Gilgamesh (Caster): They can try, they'll be dead before they get to Izuku here.

Merlin: But what about All Might, Nezu? He still thinks Izuku is a threat.

Nezu: Then I will force him to not make Midoriya a threat. If things go out of hand, you all have my permission to punish All Might for his actions and I have a way for you to do that.

Gilgamesh (Caster): Oh really now? I look forward to what you have planned.

Da Vinci: Oh this will be fun, I think I found a new Guinea pig for my experiments.

Aizawa: I have one more thing I need to address, Midoriya.

Izuku: And what is it Mr. Aizawa?

Aizawa: The problem regarding the Pseudo Servants, I don't want the Students or anyone asking questions on why a Heroic Spirit looks like one of my students.

Izuku: Oh right, that.

Sherlock: If that ever happens, we'll think of some kind of explanation. Hopefully with that, they'll stop asking questions.

Aizawa: Make sure of it. Anyways, I'll head back to UA. I'm satisfied with this information but I want to say one thing to you Midoriya.

Izuku: And what is it Mr. Aizawa?

Aizawa: Please hold back, now that I know the true capabilties of your Servants. I don't want you destroying the country on accident or worse the whole world. Only go all out if there is no other option.

Izuku: Understood.

Aizawa nods as he leaves, Da Vinci looks to Nezu as he nods and Da Vinci (Rider) brings out a report they made regarding the Nomu.

Da Vinci (Rider): Now that he's gone we can get to business.

Da Vinci: As you all know King Hassan informed you about us taking one of the Nomu's arms and using it for research purposes.

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