Chapter 8

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Gym Gamma

Both Class 1A and 1B arrived in the Gym and safe to say everyone is sizing each other out. Izuku is looking and recognises a few of them, especially the one with the weird looking eyebrows. He remembers him when all those Students were crowding their classroom door. He then sees Aizawa and Vlad King head in front of the two classes.

Aizawa: Alright everyone listen up, today in this joint-training consider this as you audition for the Sports Festival.

Vlad: We are doing this because we want to see how you guys fair against each other. We don't want to have any incidents once you're out on the field during the Sports Festival.

Aizawa: That way all of you can have a better understanding on what you need to improve or change. Manage your two weeks well and don't waste time half assing it.

Vlad: The rules are still the same as always, you have 5 minutes to knock your opponent out or send them off the ring.

Aizawa: And try not to go overboard, especially you Midoriya.

Izuku nods as in his mind he can hear majority of his Servants groan.

Vlad: Cementoss is here to fix the damages you guys have done in the arena and Recovery Girl will be here to heal your injuries. Now let's begin.

As Vlad King began calling out the Students for their fight. Izuku observes and notes every single detail of his Classmates Quirks. Despite him not being interested in Heroes anymore his old habits still remain, after all he needs to come up with strategies to figure out which Servant to use against them.

Artoria (Lancer): 'I see you're coming up with strategies to fight against them.'

Izuku: 'Yes I am, I need to know which Servant to use to basically end this fight'

Scathach: 'You know you have yet to be picked. The Teachers have something special planned for you Izuku'

Gilgamesh (Caster): 'Indeed'

Shakespeare: 'This will be fun to see'

As the last batches of fights were over it was Izuku's turn to be called.

Aizawa: Now, for Midoriya we have a special match for him. As he will be fighting 5 people from Class 1B

As murmurs happen all around the 2 Classes. Izuku had a feeling something like this would happen, but he made sure to prepare for it.

Aizawa: I want you to summon your Servants and I want to see if they have the capabilities of holding back. I know you do but I want to see them do it, I always say not to half ass everything but when it comes to you, you're a special case.

One of the Class 1B students spoke to Yaoyorozu about this.

Kendo: Yaoyorozu what's Mr. Aizawa talking about?

Yaoyorozu: Just trust me, it's best you see what Midoriya's Quirk is truly capable of.

Tsu: Especially what happened in the USJ.

Izuku steps in the arena as Aizawa calls his opponent.

Vlad: From 1B, Kamakiri

As Kamakiri steps forward as he stretches meanwhile Izuku conversed with his Servants as all of them were itching for a fight but Merlin decided to put a bunch of paper with their names and whoever he picks will fight Izuku's opponent.

Merlin: 'Izuku, your Servant is ready'

Izuku nods as Aizawa looks at him.

Aizawa: Midoriya summon your Servant to fight Kamakiri.

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