Chapter 22

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It's the middle of the night in the Nighteye Agency, said "Hero" is in his Office, waiting for the Mercs to send him the footage regarding their assassination of the Midoriyas. His two sidekicks already went home, which is good. So that they won't know what nefarious schemes he has planned.

Just then, he looks at his laptop and sees a screen pop up but what he noticed was it was all static and had a certain little logo that belongs to everyone's favorite Kouhai or that's what she tells herself.

BB: Hello there, Stupideye. My name is BB and if you're wondering why you aren't seeing the footage you are looking for. Well, here is your answer.

As BB now displays on Nighteye's Laptop, all the footage of the Servants dealing with the Mercenaries he sent and it was a one-sided massacre. BB then shows the interrogation with the Merc Leader and how Inko got all the information they need to get Nighteye out of his career as a Hero.

When he watches this, he grits his teeth in anger. All that money and time he put into this, wasted.

BB: Oh, and I have something special for you to see as well. Watch this.

Footage now shows, the fight between the Servants and Togata during the "sparring" session in Gym Gamma. Nighteye watched with his eyes widen at how Togata lost so badly to the Servants.

That's impossible! How is One for All useless against them, no less his Quirk?!

But what made him absolutely furious, was them not giving a care for the world that they killed his Prized Pupil, the supposed next Symbol of Peace.

BB: My, oh my. It seems your little prized pupil failed to stand against us. His 2 Quirks not doing a single thing against us and yet you claim he has the power to defeat us. But from what I'm seeing, you thought wrong. Oh, don't get your pants on a twist. Togata is alive and well, call this sending a message.

Then the footage changes to Inko alongside Nezu and Izuku.

Inko: Ah yes, Sir Nighteye. You believe my Son to be a villain and yet you pull act such as this, that's not very hero like from what I can tell. But knowing how stupid you are, you will continue to do these actions again.

Nezu: And from what we all gathered. We now have evidence to revoke your Hero License and have you arrested. I'll make this very clear, stay away from the Midoriyas and most importantly, stay away from my Students. Failure to do so, will lead to dire consequences.

Inko: You heard him Stupideye, but knowing you. You will not listen to us and try another failed attempt at getting rid of my Son just because he has a powerful Quirk.

As Inko got close to the screen and gave him a glare.

Inko: Go near my son and I'll make sure the only thing that is left of you is nothing but ash.

The video call ends. When it ended, Nighteye simply threw everything in his desk in a fit of rage.

Nighteye: DAMMIT!!! Damn them!!

Nighteye is breathing heavily as now his plans may be exposed to the public. But wait, he had an idea. He can show the HPSC, footage of them killing Togata and use that against them but when he looked at his laptop, the footage was all deleted and all that was left was a picture of a cartoonized BB flipping him off.

His response is screaming in anger.

Nighteye: How?! How are they one step ahead of me?! I need to think of something to end this threat once and for all!!

As Nighteye began thinking of plans.

Nighteye: My options right now are to go to the HPSC and try to convince Madam President about Midoriya's Quirk, if I play my cards right. They'll one, try to convince Midoriya to join them or two, kill him and his family as he is a dangerous person.

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