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Chapter Twenty Five

Dear Sams,

It has been almost six months since I have seen your face. I hope that you have made it safely to the capital. Write back as soon as you get this so you can tell me about all the new adventures you've had. Perhaps it will be like having a piece of you with me, always.

The school has been very different without you, but a new boy joined this year. His name is Johnathan, and he's only seven. He seems to be an orphan, so Gordon, Fuller and I have taken him under our wings. He has Magic, too. I hope to treat him like a little brother and give him the best that I can.

I have missed you so much. I can't wait to hear back from you.



It's a nice morning as I read a book in my bedroom. Since it was found out I was another one of the teens chosen by the gods, I got a new room. It's very nice; it's open and light. It's a perfect reading place. I snuck Chann inside the castle using a cloaking spell I learned, so he lays at the foot of my bed, napping. I've found spells to be easier for me, as they don't require as much focus on the exact thing you want your Magic to do--the spell already does that.

There's a knock on my door. I set my book aside and cloak Chann before I say, "Come in!"

The door opens to reveal a servant.

"You've been requested to the throne room," they state.

I clench my jaw.

"Thank you. You may leave. I need a moment."

They nod and close the door behind them. Uncloaking Chann again, I take a deep breath and properly put the bookmark inside my book and set it on my nightstand. I look at Chann, and he's looking up at me.

"You stay here, boy," I tell him as I get out of the bed. "I'll be back soon."

'Okay,' I hear him respond in my head before he goes back to his nap. As much as he acts nonchalant, I can tell that something--even I don't know what--has roused both of our anxieties.

Once in the throne room, I see that everyone's there: Isaac, Wilma, Merlin, Ryu, and Nero. I was the last one to get here. Isaac immediately demands the attention of the room by simply clearing his throat, and my fists clench at my sides. Wilma said I didn't need to call them King or Queen, but that has never felt more wrong.

Finally, King Isaac speaks.

"We are going to war."

Apparently, Selanta officially sent the war proclamation letter. It's no secret now. I remember thinking that at least they are fighting honorably, and they weren't going to attempt an ambush like we thought. King Isaac has decided that even though our training isn't finished, it's time.

We're all going to head to the border. Merlin will teach us what he can on the road.

When he announced that, my head instinctively moved to my chest. Not the crystal, but the piece of paper I folded up and stuck in my breast pocket, as I've begun wearing boys clothes again. Oh, how different I thought my letter would be...

Dear Kaelan,

It has been so long. My journey to the capital was uneventful, but it has been the complete opposite since arriving. I don't think I could fit it all in one letter! It's so strange here, to say the least. I have found Aella and Evan, the twins that I told you about. I have made two new friends as well: Nero and Ryu. Apparently, we've all been chosen by the gods, and we're meant to stop the war between Petroch and Selanta. But... I have no idea how to do that, Kaelan.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear how you are doing. I can't wait to meet Johnathan. I know that you will be a great big brother figure to him. I miss you deeply. You know well I'm not the romantic type, but I will say that there were times on the journey here that my heart begged me to turn around and go back to you.

Today is the day the war was announced, and so I am going to go fight in it. My Magic has improved greatly, but I don't know if I'm ready.

Whatever happens, I promise I will come back to you.



Walking into the stables to get Beauty prepped for the trip, I accidentally walk in on Nero and Evan kissing. They immediately notice me, though, and pull away. They're both red as tomatoes.

"I apologize for interrupting," I say, teasing.

I walk over to Beauty's stall. Evan says a soft goodbye to Nero before walking off, I assume to do chores. Nero follows me.

"Are you ready to go to war?" Nero asks, which shocks me a little bit. It feels like a hand begins to squeeze my chest.

"As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose," I responded.

Nero looks towards the door that Evan left through.

"I'm... scared," he admits. "I'm not even scared for myself, really. I'm scared that if... something happens... I'll be leaving him behind."

He doesn't say Evans name, but I know who he's talking about.

"I have someone that I'd be leaving behind, too," I admit. We're equally evasive about our feelings.

"You do?" Nero asks, surprised.

I nod. "Yes, back in Soreli."

"Are you scared?"

There's a pause.

"No," I answered. "I promised him that I would come back, and so I will come back."

The two of us stand there in silence for a little bit as we both process what I just said.

"They're a he?" Nero asks. I nod. "What's his name?"

I smile.


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